Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 21

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"Kashi, you should be resting, not out doing stuff." Tsuki scolded.

"I know I know, but I wanted to make this day special for you. And if I keep up with the pain medicine, then I'll be fine."

Tsuki sighed, she knew there was nothing she could do to get him to give up on his little birthday surprise,"Fine then, Hatake, what do you have planned?"

He cupped her face between his palms and planted a series of quick, rough kisses to her lips, making Tsuki's heart skip a beat,"First, we need to go to your apartment."

"My apartment?" Tsuki said in confusion

"That's what I said, Kuraku." Kakashi hopped off the counter and rinsed off his face and brushed his teeth.

Tsuki went back into the bedroom and got dressed.

Soon enough, the pair made their way to her apartment.

Tsuki took out her keys and before she had a chance to put the key in the lock Kakashi snatched them from her and used his other hand to cover her eyes.

"Don't be mad at me but when they released me from the hospital I kinda broke into your apartment and made some changes." Kakashi said lowly into her ear, sending chills down Tsuki's spine.

She played it cool,"Oh Lord, Hatake. What did you do to my place?"

Kakashi snickered as he unlocked the door and led Tsuki inside.

"Okay, I have to add the finishing touches. Keep your eyes closed, rook!" Kakashi removed his hand and Tsuki kept her eyes closed as she heard him running around the small space. She heard lights flicker, a match light, various shuffling noises.

She felt Kakashi's presence return to her side and a light weight on her head as a string wrapped under her chin.

"Okay, Kuraku. Open!" Kakashi said as he nervously awaited her reaction.


Tsuki's eyes adjusted to the light and she took a look around the room.

The place straight up looked like it was taken out of a cheesy but cute RomCom.

Balloons, streamers, paper origami flowers, a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting with a number "19" candle lit atop it. Tsuki panned over to the living room where he had set up a pillow fort with a makeshift tent over the top made out of a thin sheet while twinkling fairy lights made the fabric light up like a lantern.

She realized the weight she felt on her head earlier was Kakashi putting a cliche cone party hat onto her. Her eyes blurred the background and focused on Kakashi, who was also wearing a party hat.

Tsuki had a shocked look on her face and she was speechless. In all honesty she was trying not to cry. This was the cutest thing ever, she missed his little surprises like this. The man would find any excuse to spoil not only her but the twins. He even once threw a mini party for the Hatake household when Kanari lost her first baby tooth.

Kakashi freaked out at her silence.

"Oh god you don't like it..." He said as he once again began to nervously ramble,"Is it too much?! No, no it must be not enough! I'm sorry, babe I was just trying to surprise with something fun and cute and if you don't like it and wanna do something else that's fin-"

"I love it." Tsuki cut him off, still looking around the room, trying her hardest not to cry. But Kakashi could see the tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Are.....are you gonna cry?" Kakashi asked stepping forward and reaching a hand out to her.

That was it for Tsuki.

She frantically nodded her head as Kakashi embraced her, burying her head into his chest while she let out choked sobs, her tears rolling down her cheeks as if they were all racing to see who the fastest tear was.

"Tsuki? What's wrong?" Kakashi asked concerned.

'Everything Kashi! I fucking miss you! And I'm not supposed to make any major changes to this timeline or I'll fuck something up in the future! If I had any brain cells left I would walk away from you right now. But I just.....can't. I can't do that to you! I love you too goddamn much!' Tsuki was screaming in her head.

Kakashi became more concerned as she didn't respond again and continued sobbing into his chest, he squeezed her tighter,"Tsuki? Please, tell me why you're crying.... I don't like to see you cry."

Tsuki sniffled and managed to somewhat speak through her tears,"T-this s-surprise you p-p-put together *sniffle* is so cute *sniffle* that it hurts my chest."

It's true, her heart had sunk to the bottom of her chest, because she didn't know how she was going to get herself out of this mess. She had already gone too far with Kakashi. She was so happy seeing him again, she fell for him all over again and now she was probably on the verge of fucking up the future at any moment.

But she couldn't stop. She was hypnotized. She was so happy with him in this timeline, she lost track of why she even ended up here in the first place.

But Kakashi's smooth deep voice broke her out her existential crisis and she once again suspended her common sense,"Well I guess that's a good reason to cry? But come on! You need to blow out the candles on the cake cause the wax is gonna melt onto the frosting. Then we can play Shogi in the pillow fort!" Kakashi led her to the table where the cake was sitting.

Kakashi stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her hips and rested his chin on the top of her head, taking in the intoxicating scent of her hair. There was not a single thing about this woman that he didn't love.

"Close your eyes and make a wish, Kuraku!" Kakashi urged her.

Tsuki closed her eyes and leaned forward to blow out the candles.

'I wish for some way to make Kakashi forget me.'

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora