Chapter 11: Text Message

Start from the beginning

"*sigh* I'm finally done," I said.

I grabbed my work and put it in my boss's inbox for tomorrow for him to send out. After that, I went back and walked to the bus stop. The bus took me back to a closer section to Lisa's house, where I walked the 2nd half. Finally, I got to her house and threw my coat across the room as I landed on her couch. 


Timothy: Hey babe, how was work today

Timothy: Baby?

Timothy: Are you there.

Timothy: Lisa

She wasn't answering. Lisa must be busy then.

Timothy: I guess it's busy there, well I hope you're having fun in Youngrowe. Bye, Love you.


Well, there is nothing to do now besides try to get some sleep for tomorrow. 


"LISA, I NEED HELP REAL QUICK!!" one of my co-workers said.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"Lisa, I need help with the smoothie machine; it got jammed."

"Here, it's not jammed, it's just~

*Presses button*

"pulsing," I finished my sentence.

After that, the worker was able to get the smoothie flowing.

"Oh, thank you so much," they said.

"No problem, just let me know if you need anything," then I went back to my station. 

"LISA, I NEED HELP!!" another co-worker yelled at me.

"AHHHH!!" I yelled out.


When closing time happened, everyone cleaned up, and the workers left home.

"Alright, see you tomorrow, Lisa," Jisoo said.

"See you," I replied.

After I tied up some things and closed the shop for the night, I drove back to my hotel and immediately went to bed when I headed into my room. I was too tired to do anything at the moment. 


*buzz, buzz, buzz*

"Alright, alright, I'm you stupid piece of shit," I groaned out as I turned off my alarm on my phone. "You woke me up from a good dream; how dare you."

Anyway, as I cleared my alarm, I looked at my notification tab up top and noticed 5 missed text messages. 


"Ahhh, shit," I facepalmed.

I totally forgot to text him yesterday.


Lisa: I'm so sorry, baby, I didn't test you; I was so busy yesterday

Lisa: I promise to make it up to you

Timothy: You can start by saying hi

Lisa: Oh my god, baby

Timothy: Morning Lisa

Lisa: I'm sorry, it was crazy at the cafe yesterday

Timothy: It's okay, Lisa, I understand

Lisa: Thank you so much

Timothy: Lisa, you know my birth is coming up soon

Lisa: When is it

Timothy: September 1st

Lisa: September 1st, I will try to remember that

Timothy: Okay, bye babe, I have to go to work soon, love you

Lisa: Love you too

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