Chapter 6: Promises And Winks

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"Oh my god, how many times do I have to? Yes, you're my boyfriend, and I'm you're girlfriend," I chucked.

"Just making sure," Timothy said and kissed me. "So how till your break ends," he asked.

"I still have half an hour left," I replied. 

"Cool, so what do you want to do for the time being."

"We could make like relationship goals for us, you know," I suggested.

"What," he said with a confused tone.

"What's wrong with that? Couples do that," I said. "I think most of them do."

"Okay, so what do you want to set," he asked.

"Text me every day, making sure you're okay," I said. "And that goes the same for me."

"Alright, I'm fine with that," Timothy said. "Oh, if we're in a relationship, can I have side chicks," Timothy winked.

"WHAT? NO!!" I yelled at him about to him.

"Okay, baby, chill, I winked," he said.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"Rule, if I wink, I'm lying and just teasing you," Timothy said.

"Alright, fine, you almost made me sad," I pouted out.

"I'm sorry," he said, bringing me closer. "But can I still have side chicks," he winked again.

*hits him in the chest*

"Oww," he said, rubbing his chest. 

"No side chicks," I pointed at him. 

"Alright," Timothy chuckled.

After setting a bunch of rules, we could agree on. We finally made a promise to each other.

"Please don't break these rules," Timothy said.

"I won't; I promise," I replied.

He smiled, and I smiled back before kissing me again.

*back door opens*

"Hey Lisa, your break is over~

"JENNIE, W~WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE," I immediately pushed Timothy away from me.

"I'm just here to tell you your break is over, but do you want more time," Jennie smirked.

"No, I'm ready," I said and got up from the chair. 

*Jennie closes the door*

"Guess I'm going back to work," I said.

"Okay, guess I'm going to head home," Timothy said.

"Call me," I asked him.

"I will"

We hugged once more time before he went back to his car.

"I love you," he yelled out.

"I love you too," I replied.

Then I headed back inside. Already, when I entered the cafe, Jennie was talking to Jisoo and laughing. Then they stared at me, causing me to laugh at them more. This better not be about me.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about," I asked them.

"So Lisa, who's the boy you were kissing in the back," Jisoo teased me.

"Jennie, you told her," sounding a bit frustrated.

"How could I not," Jennie giggled.

"Lisa is he your boyfriend," Jisoo asked.

I refused to answer that question.

"Come on; I want to know too, who is that," Jennie said.

Both of them having puppy eyes. I gave in and told them. 


"If you really want to know, yes, he is my boyfriend, and his name is Timothy," I answered the question. 

"When do we get to meet him personally," Jennie asked.

"Nope, not going to happen; I'm not going to introduce my boyfriend to my idiot friends," I said and walked back to my station. 

DEAR TIMOTHY: THE BOOK // Liskookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن