078; i hate myself

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nicole🌷hey are u home?

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hey are u home?


are u drunk

at 4pm


ykw i'll be over in ten mins


third person.

walking into mollie and max's house with a slightly frustrated look on her face, nicole immediately caught attention of the boy sat on the couch with astrid by his side sleeping.

"hi max," nicole spoke up, "is mollie here?"

"she's drunk," he replied, looking over his shoulder at the girl, "but she's here."

"are you okay?"

"i'm good," he nodded while watching a frown form on the girl's face, "i promise."

"you suck at promises," she rolled her eyes, giving him a small smile before walking up the stairs and towards mollie's room.

as she walked into her room and then into the bathroom attached to it, the first thing to catch her eye was her best friend sat beside the toilet with her eyes closed yet she was still half awake, her head resting on her arms laid across the seat.

"mollie," nicole mumbled, throwing her head back before placing her belongings down and grabbing one of the girl's blankets, "you can't go to florida hungover."

"you don't even care," she replied, a slur in her words as nicole sat down beside her, crossing her legs and wrapping the blanket around mollie before sighing, "you hate me."

"i don't hate you," nicole shook her head, "stop trying to push me away."

"you just say that because you feel bad for-"

"hey, stop." nicole interrupted her with a soft yet stern tone in her voice as she continued to shake her head, watching mollie look over at her.

"i have something to tell you," mollie said, moving her hair away from her face before lifting her head up.

"what?" she replied, watching the girl reach over to one of her cabinets and take out an empty pill bottle before handing it over to nicole, "just now..?"

❛ AFTERGLOW ❜ - 𝖼𝗆𝖻 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora