062; let's freak corbyn out

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third person.

"who decided hiking was a good idea," daniel said, him and mollie being the only two far behind the rest of the group while walking up yet another hill during their hike.

"nicole," jonah replied, "it's fun, it gets you enjoying the outdoors."

"do we look like we're enjoying it jonah?" daniel asked as he let out a huff before turning towards the girl beside him, "you look so out of breath."

"i feel faint i'm not used to walking this far," mollie frowned, "can we take a break?"

"no," jack shook his head, "have some water."

"where the hell are zach and corbyn?" olivia came to a stop before quickly looking around, "they've disappeared."

the rest of the group shook glanced at each other before each of them stopped their walking too, looking around the field they were on before they took notice of the two boys the other side of the field throwing sticks at each other.

"they can't be serious," cara spoke up.

"children," mollie mumbled as she shook her head, "at least they're getting along."

"let's freak corbyn out," jack suggested as he looked over at mollie, "pretend to faint."

"i'm not doing that you'll give him a heart attack," she furrowed her eyebrows before quickly looking back over at the boy, "he looks too happy to scare him."

"you look like you're going to faint," charlie mentioned.

"i haven't eaten today," the girl shrugged.

"corbyn," daniel yelled across the field, earning the attention of the boy who had only just threw a stick at zach's head, "mollie is going to pass out."

"you two are idiots," mollie sighed, "he won't do anything."

"look at him running over," nicole smiled before she laughed slightly, their eyes on the boy slightly jogging over to where the rest of them were stood with zach quickly following behind.

"i just know he's going to offer his food to you," jonah glanced at mollie, the girl shaking her head before corbyn walked over to where she was stood.

"did you not eat earlier?" corbyn asked the girl, opening the bag he had bought with him as the rest of the group continued to slowly walk up the hill.

"i don't want anything," she replied, "they're just messing with you."

"do you want my water?"


"i have food too i-"

"baby," mollie interrupted him, "i don't want anything."

"i don't want you to pass out," the boy laughed nervously.

"i won't," she assured him while grabbing ahold of his hand, beginning to follow after the rest of the group as corbyn rolled his eyes slightly.

"you're so stubborn." corbyn joked, walking behind her as his arms wrapped around her waist, his lips soon attaching to her neck as he left multiple soft kisses along it.

"you pick now to be affectionate?" she rolled her eyes while a smile grew on her face, "the rest of the group-"

"but i want some alone time with you," he mumbled, running his hands up the inside of her hoodie before eventually letting out a huff and moving away from her, "camping would be much better if it was just me and you."

"oh really?"

"yes," he nodded once, "we can't do anything in our little tent because they can all hear us and that's just going to be a weird topic the next morning."

"we could." she told him.

"no we can't because you don't know how to be quiet," corbyn argued, folding his arms as they continued to walk across the field to catch up to the group.

"me? you're the one who is always calling me a good girl and telling me how hot i look." mollie replied as corbyn looked at her confused, "it's you who can't keep quiet."

"princess the whole street can hear you when we're having sex," he threw his hands up in defence, "i know that means i'm really good but-"

"okay wow mr my ego is too high." mollie raised her eyebrows as she interrupted his sentence, "who is the one always saying he loves when i-"

"it's nice to see you finally caught up to us," zach spoke up as the pair looked over at the group, not realising they had already reached them as they glanced between each other, "we thought you went off to make out."

"no," corbyn shook his head, "she was having some of my water so we had to take a little break."

"i'm good now, we can continue walking," mollie smiled slightly as they rest of them nodded.

as the group all continued their hike throughout the woodland they had decided to camp at, corbyn went straight back to mollie's side as his hand crept to her lower back, "guess what."

"if it's something inappropriate i am not listening," she glanced up at him as a small smirk appeared on his face, "don't even say it."

"okay i won't say it," he laughed before shaking his head, "but i will say that as soon as we get home from camping, i'm putting you in your place."

"oh shut up," she rolled her eyes, "you can't anyway, i'm going out for lunch with astrid and then i have therapy with diana."

"who says we can't do it before you go out for lunch?" he asked her, "we can do it in my car and-"

"hey mollie," jack interrupted their conversation as corbyn glared at the boy, "i have a question."

"i was talking to her."

"okay and now i am," he shrugged, watching corbyn roll his eyes before making his way over to where daniel was walking with cara, "what's his problem?"

"hormones." mollie sighed, "what was your question?"

"oh right, you know how you do all that painting stuff?" jack asked her as she slowly nodded, "okay well can you do something for me to give to nic?"

"i can," the girl replied, "what is this something?"

"okay well she's looking for apartments because she wants to move out of her parents place so she wants art decor," he explained, "and i have this photo of our first date night so..."

"you want me to paint it?"

"yes." jack smiled as he nodded, "i can pay you, but she keeps talking about looking for decor and it just gave me an idea for our one year anniversary."

"i'll do it," she nodded, "for free, don't pay me."

"thank you," he said.

"are you moving in with her?"

"no," jack shook his head, "would you ever consider it though?"

"with nic? yeah." mollie smiled slightly, "i definitely would."

"i think us guys are going to move to la soon, for the band and such." jack glanced at her, "but corbyn has already said he won't move if you aren't going with."


"long distance, you suck at it."

"damn, alright jack." she raised her eyebrows before the two laughed, "way to be straight forward."

"i'm just stating the obvious." he held his hands up, "but anyway i need to go walk next to nicole before she gets angry, thank you again though."

"it's okay," mollie gave him a smile.


the plans i have 😏😏😏😏

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