031; love you too

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third person.

that night it seemed to be just mollie and the moon. the light from the window filling the dark space she had found herself confined in and the only person she had spoken to in days was her mother.

her eyes gazed over to the alarm clock on the side table in the room her mom had referred to as her own, noticing that the time was close to five in the morning and that she had gone another night unable to get to sleep.

she hadn't smiled in days, and while she was on good terms with monica and she did like to be around the woman, it didn't give her the same energy being around her friends did, the energy seemed to be more dull and boring.

the room was plain as mollie had none of her own decorations up, the days seemed to be getting repetitive and all they'd do is go for walks or sit in the park, there was no way for her to contact anyone she was currently living away from and she was more than aware that no one knew of monica's address.

so as mollie was sat up right, she let out a deep sigh while staring out of the window, tucking her hair behind her ears before rolling her eyes and getting up from the bed, grabbing one of her boyfriend's hoodies that she had bought along with her.

and as she walked out of her room and down the hall to where the living room was, her eye's caught a glimpse of the woman scrolling through her phone on the couch with the tv faintly filling the room.

"it's five am," monica spoke up, glancing over at her daughter as she nodded and walked through to the kitchen, "what are you doing awake?"

"what are you doing awake?" she replied, opening the fridge door before looking over at her, "i think max is expecting me back today."

"how would you know that?"

"we agreed on 10 days away," mollie explained, "and today is the tenth day."

"do you know what would be fun?" monica suggested, "if we lived together, we could decorate your room however you'd like."

"i like my room at my-"

"but max needs to start living on his own," she continued, "and you not being there would help him a lot."

"he said he doesn't mind me being there," mollie said with a confused tone in her voice, scratching the back of her neck.

"you're holding him back, he's not meant to be there all the time." monica shrugged, "if you live with me i can take care of you and he can do whatever he wanted to do."

"it'd be fun," she slowly nodded, "but it's too far from my friends."

"it's not that far," monica shook her head, "you can see them every other weekend."

"that's it?"

"we need time together." monica told her, "plus you've hardly spoken to me since we got here."

"i haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone..?"

"i know your grandpa's death has probably upset you but you need to let it go at some point," she told her daughter, watching a frown form on mollie's face, "it happens."

mollie gave her a nod as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, closing the door before she remained stood beside the kitchen table, "so are we going back today?"

"you don't want to see me?" monica frowned, "i knew you didn't like staying with me but-"

"no, no i didn't mean it like that." mollie shook her head, "i just know max is expecting me back and so i thought we would.. i thought we would go back?"

"why don't you stay just one more night," the woman suggested, turning around to look at mollie as the girl paused, "we can do something fun, maybe watch a film?"

"okay, yeah." she nodded, "i just need to text max and let him know-"

"he'll figure it out."

"but it's better to be safer and just text-"

"mollie." monica interrupted her, "it'll be fine, what are they so worried about?"

"i don't know," she shrugged before walking over to where she was sat, "my phone is literally right beside you, can't you text him?"

"he's your brother not you guardian."

"kind of was for about thirteen years but," she argued, watching monica raise her eyebrows before she glanced over at mollie's phone, "mom it's just a text so he knows."

"do you want to argue back anymore?"

"do you want me to?" mollie folded her arms as she rolled her eyes, "i could argue all day."

"max doesn't need to know because he doesn't look after you," monica argued, "i can take care of you, i have been taking care of you, he doesn't need to know anything."

"but he's still going to be worried."

"good for him, he doesn't want you there anyway." she looked at her daughter as mollie soon went quiet, "he's with astrid, he doesn't care about you like i do, stop wasting your time."

"he does care..."

"he doesn't, no one over there does." monica continued, "no one is going to like someone who has a personality made up of mental illness, if max was that worried he would've come here."

"he doesn't know where-"

"just shut up," she interrupted mollie, "you're not making any sense, you're just overthinking it."

"sorry," mollie sighed.

"you know what," monica shook her head, soon standing up and placing her drink onto the side before she picked up mollie's phone, throwing it onto the hardwood floor underneath the both of them as mollie watched the screen shatter, "it's just a phone."

with her mouth slightly dropped open, the girl stood there in disbelief and monica sat back down and put her head in her hands.

"i'm so bad at this parenting thing." monica broke the silence, mollie quickly shaking her head as she sat down beside her, "no wonder you don't want to stay with me."

"no, no it's fine." mollie replied, "it's fine it can be replaced."

"just stay one more night," she turned to look at mollie, "i'm only trying to make up for the time lost."

"okay," mollie gave her a nod and a small smile, "i'll stay."

"i do love you," monica smiled, standing back up and making her way through to her bedroom as mollie turned back to her phone broken on the floor.

"love you too," mollie mumbled to herself, sighing and glancing down at the floor before taking note of the bottle of alcohol sat on the table in front of her, quickly grabbing it and walking down the hall back to her room.


feedback time ugh my fav 😩😩

1, general thoughts so far, i'd love to know everything ur thinking :)

2, things u like/dislike

3, things u would wanna see incorporated into this book

thank u besties 🤍🤍

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