Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe

Start from the beginning

"You are a fucking liar!" I shout.

Mark continues, "Joe, you enjoy doling out pain as well. Don't you ever talk to me that way again or I won't even think twice about releasing that tape to the authorities. You see Deidre, Joe has another side to him he doesn't like people to know about, but I know it exists."

I look at Dee, then back to Mark.

He is going to blackmail me. Fuck!

"I didn't whip her and you know who did," I say with total rage in my voice.

Again, I look at Dee pleadingly once more, but she is furious with me.

He adds, "Really Joe, then how do I have the evidence right here, in black and white? We can watch it back if you would like, but you and I are the only ones with access to that room, Joseph. You know this is true, so why lie to us?"

He says this so matter-of-factly, and I need to prove it wasn't me who did this to her.

Quickly, I exclaim, "I want to see the video right now, Mark. You are lying and she needs to know that I would never do that to her."

When Mark turns and walks over to his safe, I felt like this might not go well for me as he opens it and pulls out a VHS tape. Then he walks over to the VCR, smirking at me the entire way, and he pushes the tape inside.

Okay, now I am worried. What did he do?

The TV turns on and I see the room. Dee is making the bed wearing the same pink baby doll negligee I found her wearing that day. She looks so pretty even doing housework. Dee takes the sheets over to the laundry chute and drops them inside. Then she goes over to drink her lemonade at the bar and eats her already prepared salad.

Mark then fast forwards up to where a man enters the room. Dee is taking a nap, and this guy removes all of his clothes. Standing there naked, with his back to the camera, he walks towards her.

He must have had his team make this video by splicing it together from different times we were together. That can't be me?

Turning to them, I exclaim, "No, that's not me! You must have paid your crew well, to make this entire thing up, or did you get an actor to do this, Mark?"

As they keep watching the television, Dee walks closer to the screen and I'm anxious. What we are about to see. The man walks over to Dee, blindfolds her, and somehow, with my voice dubbed in, he tells her to get up in an angry tone.

Dee looks so tired, but she slowly does as he says. This guy walks her over to the cross and removes her clothes. Ripping them down and off her body. As the negligee lays at her feet, he shackles her to the cross.

She then says, "Joe, your right, I've been bad and I need to be punished. Please, Joe, I need to be spanked tonight."

As Dee begs him, she uses my name, and I am shocked by her statement. Looking over at Dee, she is just staring at the video.

"As you wish, baby, I will give it to you so hard tonight. Is that what you want, Deidre?" The man asks.

It's my voice, but I never did this to her.

"Yes, please Joe, I need it so badly," Dee says as the man spanks her with his hand.

Harder and more forcefully, he hits her, and I look at Dee. She just stares at the television, motionlessly.

Does she enjoy this? I look back at Mark, and he smirks at me once more.

Feeling that same anger fill me again, I shout, "I don't know what you're up to, Mark, but that is not me. Who the fuck is that?"

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