Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay

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Sitting on my couch, drinking a beer, there is a knock at the door, so I know it's Ron. Getting up, I answer it and find Donovan standing there instead.

"Evening Jacob, may I come in?" He asks, and now I'm really worried.

"Yup, come on in Donovan," I say while walking into the dining room.

I ask, "Do you want a beer?"

Of course, he declines as we take a seat at the table. Donovan sets a file down in front of me and I look at him to get a sense of what this is all about, but he's straight-faced as always.

"So, Caleb went missing?" He says, and I nod.

How did he know Cal was missing? Did Ron get his attention? Shit, this is not good.

Quickly, I state, "Well, I'm not sure. He may just be on vacation."

Donovan stares at me for a moment, and then he opens the folder. Looking at the pictures of my friend, he looks to be having a good time. I notice that in each one he's dancing with a different girl or sleeping with a few at a time. It's funny, none of the pictures are clear, but it must be him.

Donovan says, "Jacob, he's down in the Bahamas, enjoying the ladies and having the time of his life. When Caleb is ready to come back, he will son, so don't worry about him."

As he says these words, a great weight is lifted off of me and I feel better knowing he's fine.

"Honestly, I didn't realize how worried I was about him until now. Thank you for letting me know he's okay." I say, and Donovan nods.

He then says, "Hey Jacob, next time, just come to me. Ronald Archer is a sneaky little worm, and he is not very reliable. If you need answers, I'll get them for you, just ask."

Now, I feel a little foolish about this entire thing.

"Thank you, Agent Donovan, for your help," I say while shaking his hand and walking him out.

My father's friend nods, and I shut the door, feeling almost elated.

So, Cal is living it up in the Bahamas, while I'm sitting here worried like an old mother hen. Well, at least I know he's doing alright.

A few days later, while sitting at my table drinking the last cup of coffee, I look at the pictures again. Each one shows him with a girl, but it never reveals his face. That seems odd to me, but when he surfaces, I'll feel much better.

Dad called today and asked me to come for dinner tonight, so I agreed. It's been a while since I was home and I'm wondering if Donovan told dad about Caleb.

He didn't ask about him like he normally does, but it was a brief conversation.

Walking in the door, mom greets me with a kiss on the cheek. She is in a great mood and that is something new. Lizzy comes down the stairs and I give her a big hug. Dad never said she would be here, so that was a wonderful surprise.

"Come on in, Jacob. Dinner is almost ready, and your dad is in the den. Tell him to get washed up for supper." She says, and I look at Liz.

Liz whispers with a smile, "I know she has been acting this way since I got here."

"Well, welcome home sis, Dad didn't mention that you were going to be here. Did you just get in?" I ask.

She replies, "He didn't tell me you were coming, either. I just drove in for the weekend. Nothing was going on, and he wanted me to come home for a visit. I hope everything is alright with him. Lord knows mom seems happy."

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt