𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Tom had not spoken a word to Taraphina since the ball. He had no reason to be nice to her at the moment, because he simply didn't need her any more. He knew how stupid and gullible she was, so if he needed her help again or felt like spending time with her, she would obey him as soon as he asked her nicely enough. The new school year started tomorrow and in the past few days he had needed more than enough time to deal with the topics of the first semester. He also had to plan his rise to power, he wanted to be powerful enough at the end of this school year to be able to rid the world of all the dirty blood. With all the things he had to do, he had no time for Taraphina, who wanted to spend more and more time with him. He didn't know exactly why she suddenly wanted his presence so much, but he had more important things to do than spend time with a silly little girl.

There was a knock at the door of his room in the Malfoy house.

"My lord," Abraxas' voice began, "Dinner is served and my parents should be arriving any second."

Tom sighed, he closed the book about dark magic and headed for the door. When he opened the door, he saw Abraxas' frightened eyes. His little show he had put on earlier with Samuel Rosier had probably brought back the respect he wanted.... Tom considered the boys and also Taraphina as family, but still they had to obey him. He was the future dark lord and they were to be the first to submit to him. Things were quite complicated with Taraphina, but that didn't mean the others could behave as brazenly as her. He would soon show Taraphina her place at his side, but she also had to learn that she had to be submissive. She was his. She should be grateful that he tolerated her at his side and not a step away from it.

"Shall we?" asked Tom Riddle with a charming smile.

Abraxas only nodded in reply and then followed Tom down the dark hallway. At the end of the hallway, a large staircase descended and led into a foyer with a large, black front door. Down the large staircase of the house they strode, Abraxas slightly behind Tom.

When they almost reached the bottom of the stairs, Tom suddenly felt the presence of a certain small figure with a brown mane behind him. The door of the house flew open and in shock the young Taraphina, who was now on a par with Tom, almost fell down the last steps. If Tom had not wrapped his arms around her small body in a flash and pulled her to his chest, Taraphina would have fallen against the hard tiled floor of the mansion.

Shock was written all over Mrs Malfoy's face and she sucked in a breath as she saw her daughter almost fall down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" asked Tom with a played worried undertone as Taraphina clutched closer and closer to his chest. She too had been frightened by the shock. Tom pulled her closer to his body as Mrs Malfoy found her words again.

"Are you out of your mind, my child?" she asked, upset, "Don't you know how much you could have been hurt?".

In the meantime, the other boys came into the entrance area to see what was going on.

Tara tried to press herself more and more against Tom, hoping to find protection with him. She was still mad at him for completely ignoring her since the ball, but right now she just wanted to escape her mother's piercing gaze and he was the only one in the room who her mother adored.

"Thank you so much Tom.  I really don't know what I would do without your perfect presence. Taraphina and Abraxas would probably never have become anything without you. Really I owe you so much," Mrs Malfoy gushed.

Abraxas and Taraphina were more than hurt. Every time their parents spent time with them, they got to hear how oh-so-great Tom Marvolo Riddle was and it was hurtful to have your own parents constantly adoring a boy who wasn't even their own son.

The Girl from Azkaban  ~ Tom Riddle  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now