"Ioa! H-How do you feel?" Optimus asked hesitantly. He did not want to seem needy but his tones said otherwise.

The injured femme looked at Optimus and gasped, backing away from him although in much pain. The gesture was like a hit to the guts for Optimus, for the femme was staring at him with fears evident in her optics.

Raising his servos, he tried calmly her down. It was 4 in the morning and the Prime did not want to wake his teammates up.

"Easy Ioa. You are safe, young one." he spoke softly, inching towards the terrified femme. The white and gold bot tensed up, shaking her helm as she backs away from the gigantic bot.

"S-Stay away Autobot! P-Please, don't hurt me! I-I'm merely a low medic, I have no valuable information about the Decepticons! Please, let me go!" replied the femme frightenedly, desperate to get away from the Autobot leader.

If what she read from the database was correct, the Prime was one of the strongest mechs of Cybertron, having powers matching her leader himself. She absolutely DOES NOT want to stick around to find out what he's capable of.

"Ioa it's me, Optimus!" Optimus said, his eyes pleading for the femme to recognise him but it did not work.

"Yes, I'm well aware of your designation, Prime!" Ioa rebutted, unnerved at the mech in front of her. Why was he speaking as if they were a team?

"Do you not remember us...?" Optimus asked sadly, his spark dropped at the sight of the femme not remembering him.

"N-No...I'm sorry. As far as I can remember, I am a Decepticon medic, sir." Ioa said, her gaze softened a little at the sight of the spark-broken mech in front of her. Hesitantly, she extended her servos to cup the mech's face, feeling bad for him.

But she didn't know why.

"I-I'm sorry, Optimus. But I don't seem to recognise...us. M-May I ask how was I transported here? I recalled I was tending to the Vehicons..." Ioa said truthfully, having absolutely no clue to how she was here of all places.

The mech placed his servos against hers, pressing it closer to his face in sorrow. He looked towards the medic in grief before speaking, knowing his decisions were not going to have the best results.

"I'm sorry, Ioa. But I cannot allow you to leave." Optimus said and took locked the femme down on the berth, yelling loudly for Ratchet.


Sets of pedsteps echoed the hall as the whole team came out, witnessing Ioa thrashing wildly against Optimus's hold. Ratchet chained the femme down, inciting a blood-curdling scream from the femme as she begged them to let her go. Optimus was trying his best not to break down, turning his helm away as he saw Ioa crying hysterically.


Ioa was tranquilised by Ratchet, her body slumped and her watering optics closed as she laid still. The whole base was quiet and the tense was palpable. Ratchet went to Optimus, wanting to know what the hell happened.

"What happened, Optimus?"

"She... does not remembers us." Optimus's helm was lowered to the ground, his voice breaking in pain. The whole team was in shock as they snapped their helms to Ioa's direction.

She does not recognise them?


Timeskip: The kids are now at base...

The children were updated with Ioa's situation by their charges on the way back to base. They were at the human lounge watching Ioa from afar whom awaken not too long before they arrived. She was breathing erratically as her cooling fans were on full blast, trying to calm her abnormal sparkrate and temperature down.

The amnesiac femme looked around wildly, her optics wide in fear as she tries to think of the possibilities to get far away from them. Her anxiety was further more heightened when she hears a voice in her head telling her to trust them.

What the frag?

"Lightblade, you have to listen to me. You are one of us now and you were injured during the battle with the Decepticons-"

"I can't even hold myself against a Vehicon, let alone with the bunch of them! How on earth do you think I'm suppose to believe your words?!" Ioa cuts Ratchet off, shaking her helm in denial. The voice in her helm grew louder, irritating her even more as she grabs her helm, her shackles rattling.




'I am part of you Light, I cannot leave you alone. Not like this.'

"WHO ARE YOU!??" Lightblade screeched, not caring if the Autobots are in confusement; the voice was getting on her nerve and the bots are adding to the fuel.

"I'm Shadowglyde Ioa, your alter ego. Please, calm down for once!" the voice echoed in her processor, Ioa groaning as she cradled her helm. Ratchet came to her side holding a syringe on his servo, ready to put her back to sleep when she roared, making the doctor and everyone else took a step back.

"StAY AwaY FrOm mE!" her roar shook the base. The femme was clearly battling for command with Shadowglyde, and she was losing.

"LiSteN tO ThEM- ShUt uP- TheY CaN hElP-LEavE mE- TrUsT ThEm- gO AwaY- OPtIMuS-"

The mentioned bot didn't have to be asked twice; jumping in to help stabilise the chaotic femme.

"Lightblade, listen to me! Please, we won't hurt you!" the Prime begged, hating to see the femme in this predicament.

"In the Pits I will believe you! You have me chained like a caged animal!" Lightblade yelled at his face, taking control momentarily. Ioa was sobbing terribly, her frame shaking and her wounds reopened but she denied their treatment, thrashing around and refusing to be neutralised.

"We don't want you to run away! If you return to the Decepticons, you will be offlined!" Optimus said, hoping it would get the femme to stop resisting them. It worked and Ioa slumped back in defeat, fear and hopelessness clear in her optics.

"P-Please... leave me alone..." Ioa begged, her servos raised in front of her in submission, blocking her view from the Autobots like a terrified sparkling. Optimus held the femme close to him as she shook, afraid and not understanding what was happening. 

They were going to get through this together.

"I would like to talk to Ioa in private, if you all please." Optimus said, wanting some privacy to sooth the femme. He picked the traumatised femme up and went to his berthroom, not caring if the femme was threat to him.

He was not going to lose her again for the second time.

A/N: *Carefreely drops this chapter and runs away*

*Gets pulled back by an unknown source*


Okay so I did not update yesterday because I was making art and stuff! So ahahahah... don't kill me? Also yes, I did come back only to drop another cliffhanger to yall, I am not sorry ahdhdgshsfsd-

ALSO ALSO, pretty much Ioa's form is like Elita-One as seen on above! This art does not belong to me of course, but it seem to be like a beta model for tfp? I hope that clears everyone's thought on Ioa's biped form.

AS ALWAYS, thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Stay safe and healthy everyone! Enigma signing out!

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