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Two months without my jennie is fucking heartbreaking...

I hope i can forget pain too...

I saw my living room clean and bedroom. Thanks to chu and chaeng.

I go to my jennie's closet and find the book she said before I let her go.


I open it and there's a lot of recipes.

I go to the kitchen and try to cook gamjatang.

I cut mushrooms, garlic everything I needed.

I open the stove and start.

I'm about to finish when it's start to burn and the pan have fire. I get our fire extinguisher and I squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent until the fire was gone.
I close the stove and throw hardly the pan on the sink.

"FUUUCCKKK!!!" I shout and slam my hand again and again at the sink.

"H-how can I survive this hon. It's fucking hard!" I cried. And saw the knife.

I get it aggressively and put it on my skin. My hands were shaking, my head is not on the normal mode. But the pain is fucking strong.

"I'm always here hon." I heard jennie and suddenly the knife fell on the ground. I sit at the cold floor and cry.

I go to her closet and get her clothes, I put it all on the bed.

I smell her scent that makes me calm and sleep.

Hour's, days, months past...

Every second, every minute I can feel the pain that I know where it came from, will wake me up in the middle of the night, just to remind me that you are gone.

Still stock at our penthouse, still not ready for work.

I recently heard jennie's voice when I do something terrible on myself that's why it always failed, or I heard her voice when I'm sleeping.

I wish this is all a dream. How I wish.

I go to our terrace for the first time, I feel like shit.

I hold my old cigs and my lighter.

"You promise me you'll never smoke." Jennie's voice echoed on my head.

I throw my cigarettes on the floor and step on it.

I cried again. When will this stop?

I stumble going back at my messy house.

And start to throw everything around me, my feet got cut because of a broken glass. But I didn't care at all. I get a chair and climb and put a rope in the ceiling fan.

"There's no more reason to live here." I said.

"Please fight for me." Jennie said, I don't know if I'm hallucinating but sometimes it feels like she's really here beside me.


"HON PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS. I LOVE YOU. DON'T LEAVE ME" She said that makes me confused.

"BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LEAVE ME. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" I put the rope to my neck and take a deep breath.

"wake up hon. I'm s--still waiting for you. I can't wait to marry you." I heard jennie sobbing. I remove the rope on my neck.

"What..?" I said and follow the voice.

"Please fight for us..." She said, I heard her saying. I go to the bedroom but no one there.

"wake up hon. I missed you so much." I go to the bathroom.

Is she here?! Why she's telling me to wake up?!

"JENNIE!?" I start to panick.

"Please hon. Open your eyes. Don't leave me here alone."

That's the last thing I heard when a light coming to our window grow and grow. Like it's eating me a live.


I open my eyes and saw a white ceiling, my body can't move. My throat is dry and can't utter a word. I roam around my eyes and saw jennie holding my hands while crying.

I move my fingers so that she look at me.

"HON?!" She said in wide shock, she quickly call the doctor's.

'My jennie looks different? but I know she's my jennie, her hair is now shorter and her body got thin, my poor baby mandu.'

But I remain dumbfounded. Is this another dream?

The doctor check on me. I can't hear them clearly but he finally go out.

"You're awake hon. I'm so h-happy. I thought you'll leave me forever, the doctor revived you many times b.. because there's no more heart beat, t--they declared you dead a while ago but thank you for that one heart beat hon, thank you for fighting." She said and sobbed.

She's holding my hand tight and keep put peck on it.

A tear escape from my eyes.

"A-am I d-dead?" I asked her in a husky voice.

'I need to make sure. This driving me crazy.'

"No, we both end up in the hospital on jeju because a car hit us. But my case was not that bad because you cover your body to protect me. That's why you get all the hit. That's make you in a coma." She said crying.

Huh? But I saw her body cover on me?

"H-how many d-days I'm here?"

"One year and two months hon." She said and kiss the back of my hands

One year and two months?

That's fucking long..

"I-i always wiped your eyes because suddenly a tears always fell down. There are many times your body is giving up. Thank you for not leaving me." She said and kiss my forehead.

'Because you died in the world that my mind created baby..'

This is real..

She's not dead..

I'm legit holding her hand and I can feel her warm even I can't move exactly.

Is that the cause of coma? I got stock of that unrealistic world?

"I messaged the lovers, they'll be here in a minute." She said and kiss my lips long enough.

"I-I'm going to marry you when I d-discharge." I said and smile a little.

She nod at me and kiss my lips.

"Can't wait hon." She said and caressing my head.

The End.

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I know this sucks. HAHAHAHA but still thankful you read it🤍

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