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Gonna go grab lunch with nayeon and our workmates hon.


I saw jennie's text pop on my phone.

Okay honey. Enjoy, i love you.


I decided to go to my favorite cafe when I walk through another restaurant and saw jennie beside her was mino and with their colleague.

"What the?!" I said. But I don't want to interrupt them. I just clenched my hands and walk away.

Looks like I lost my appetite.

Hour's past I busy myself at work and didn't notice that it's already late. I'm really tired.

I look at my phone and there's a lot of message of jennie and missed calls.

I drive and go home.

I saw her sitting at the sofa, then she quickly snatch my phone at my hand.

"It's not drained? Why you didn't answer my calls and message?." She said in anger. I just look at her and walk to our bedroom.

"I'm talking to you manoban." She said in a firm voice. But I keep walking and loosen my tie. I throw myself at the bed and close my eyes.

I saw her standing at the side of the bed.

"I'm tired." I said and put the pillow on my face.

"No. We're going to talk. Why the hell you didn't answer my calls. I'm worried about you." I heard her, she get the pillow and strike to me. But it's not hard cuz it's pillow you know..

"Yyaaahh.. I'm going to sleep. You should sleep too." I said and turn to face her but a pillow strike on my face.

Ok that's hurt.

"No. Talk to me." She said keep hitting me with the pillow. I use my arms to shield me from the pillow.

"I saw you.." I said. And it feels like a stone stock on my throat.

"What?" She said and stop. I slowly sit up and look at her. She's catching her breath.

"I saw you having lunch with... Mino" I said not looking at her.

"Mino? It's just coincidentally hon. Me and my workmates go there without him. But he saw us and nayeon ask him if he wants to join us. And he said yes." She explain. She then hug me and kiss my head. "You don't have to be jealous hon. Mino is my past and all matters now is you and me. I love you so much." She said making my jealousy vanished in a snap. I just nod and kiss her lips.

"Go wash up. You stink." She said and hold her nose. I smell myself.

"Yah. It's not that bad hon." I said and pout. But she just giggle.

"I'm just kidding hon. Even you stink hundred times I still love you." She said and prepare my pj's.

Then I go to the bathroom.


"How's your honeymoon chu?" I asked her. She's munching her chicken. I decided to have lunch here at my office with her. Since jennie is busy.

"Wild.Sex.Fun.Sex.Fulloflove.Sex." She said still busy at her chicken.

"Geez that's a lot of sex." I said and we both laugh.

"How about you. I just got off for my honeymoon then going back here you look like shit." She said and point her chicken at me.

"I know.. I just have problems." I said and sip my ice coffee.


"It's about mino." I said. Then chu choke to her chicken. I quickly give her drink.

"What the fuck?! You mean Song Mino?!" She asked I just nod.

"Jennie's First love?!" I nod.

"Jennie's childhood crush?!" I nod.

"Jennie's dream guy?!" I nod.

"Jennie's ex?!" I nod then put chicken on her mouth.

"I know all of that ok! You don't have to rub it on my face." I said to her and lean to the leather sofa and sigh. "He's one of the most big investors in jennie's company."

"Damn. That's really a big problem, why don't you tell jennie that you don't like being around her?" She said.

"I did. We already fought about mino this past few weeks, but you know jennie, she's independent. She's professional, she's not affected what she and mino had before. That's why I don't want to open up about that again. But it's eating me alive especially now that mino is near to her makes my anger issues coming back again." I said.

"Shit. That anger issues is scaring me bruh. Always take a deep breath before you talk. Or count 1 to 10 ok? We both know that it's not good for everybody if you'll let that come back again. Remember in college days? You transform like hulk and throw all the chair to kai because he slap your head. But he deserves it." She said and we laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember that."

"No. But even the little things annoy you makes you want to throw anything around or slam it hard. And then jennie came to the picture, she's really your like medicine man." She said and punch slightly my arm.

"I know.. I'm afraid that it'll come back." I said in a worried tone.

"No. It will not. You can do it." She said and tap my shoulder.

Hour's past and it's time to go home.


I open the door revealing my fiance sitting at the sofa typing at her laptop. I put my stuff on the other chair and go to her. I massage her shoulder and gently kiss her neck then her shoulder, her ears, her cheeks until I meet her soft lips.

"I'm afraid that we can't do it hon. I have a lot of stuff to do." Hearing her making me stop to what I'm thinking.

"Even at home? You still working?" I said and lift my one eyebrow.

"Just this one hon. I'm sorry, I just need to finish this." She said and kiss my lips again. I just nod at her.

"I'm gonna go sleep. Better finish that up fast so you can rest early." I said and smile at her.

"Thank you for understanding hon. I love you, I already prepared your pj's." She said, "By the way I make your favorite food. It's in the kitchen."

"I love you more and thank you." I kiss her one last time and go to the kitchen first.

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