They used the fireplace in Snapes office, he went first, saying clearly, "Headmasters office at Hogwarts" green flames flashed and she followed after him. Green flames flashed and she was pulled through a space fast and tight. She landed and stepped out to see the familiar office and face of Albus Dumbledore.

"Welcome Miss Evans, come in come in, take a seat. Thank you Severus, you are needed no further." The old wizard told the man. Taking her seat in front of the large desk. She turned to face Snape, "Have a good day Mr.Snape!" She said smiling and waving to the man.

He simply nodded his head with a straight face and left. Turning back to face the headmaster, she eagerly looked up to him and smiled.

"Well, Miss Evans, I have to admit it's not everyday I get letters from students asking to work her, if I do they are usually the graduated type." He told her with a chuckle.

"Now, though we do have house elves that do majority of the Maintance and cleaning here, I have found a few things some of the teachers said they could use assistance with or that they needed done." Pulling out a piece of parchment, he adjusted his glasses to look at it.

"But before I send you on your way we must first discuss how much to pay you. Now, I expect this list to last you a few weeks, probably a month. Why don't we start out your pay 5 galleons a day and maybe if you do a good job we could raise it. How does the sound?" He asked the girl.

Eyes widening, she was in shock but she tried to play it off like she wasn't offered a lot more than she had expected, at most she figured she's get a sickle a day. "Yes sir, thank you for the opportunity, I'm very grateful!" She told him.

"Here's your list, at the end of the day before you leave I will pay you, have a great day Miss Evans." He handed her the parchment and shook her hand. After thanking him again she made her way out of his office.

She looked at the list to see what her first task would be. At the top of the list it said Feeding animals in the Transfiguration classroom with Professor Mcgongall. That sounded easy enough, so she headed off for the room. Knocking on the slight opened door. She heard the familiar voice of her teacher saying to come inside.

Once inside she found the teacher walking to a cabinet on the back wall of the room. "Oh Miss Evans I thought that would be you, the headmaster said you would be helping us around the school this summer. Come on over and grab a jar of food. They are all labeled for what animal gets what food. And just start feeding." All around the room was cages full of different kinds of animals from mice to frogs, some even bigger like rabbits. Following the professors lead Olivia selected a jar that was labeled golf fish, and located the animal to feed it.

 Following the professors lead Olivia selected a jar that was labeled golf fish, and located the animal to feed it

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"So Miss Evans, How are finding your new home since being adopted?" The teacher asked.

"I like it very much, Mr. Snape is very kind to accept me into his home." Olivia told the woman. She replaced the jar in the cabinet and took out another.

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