"Hey, don't sweat it. I got this, big guy." Klaus patted his shoulder and began lifting the sleeve of his shirt so that he could save the day. "I love needles."

"Master Klaus, your blood is...How should I say this?" Pogo looked pained again because he knew that it seemed rude to say but he needed to tell the truth. "Too polluted."

"Move." Diego pushed the others out of the way and prepared himself for the needle. "I'll do it."

This caught Kate's attention because she knew about his hatred of needles and was just trying to act brave in front of the others. She hadn't talked since they arrived but now that something concerned her boyfriend, she was ready to step in and stop him from making a bad decision. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, you hate-" He ignored his girlfriend, shrugging her comment off but as soon as the needle was being prepped, his eyes rolled backwards and he dropped to the floor with a crash. "-needles."

"Stick him." Pogo nodded to Grace because they didn't have much time and needed to give blood to Allison before it was too late.

Kate had retreated away from the siblings as the procedure took place, sitting on one of the stools in the corner of the room and letting her thoughts consume her. It seemed that everything was becoming more real as she sat in that room, her hands hadn't stopped shaking since the accident happened and everything she was wearing was covered in blood; a reminder of the trauma of that night. Her hair was matted with her own blood, from where she had been hit and her heart was racing at the thought of losing Allison. Her head was filled with images of the cabin, of the bow slashing her neck without any warning and the pictures altered, making her see her own sister in that position but instead of the cabin, it was a motel room. And instead of a violin bow it was a gun, she could only imagine the blood pouting from Dora as she bled onto the carpet, her eyes still open as she looked at her killer, who had no mercy for what they did. She was brought out of her thoughts when a hand rested over her own, stopping them from shaking and she looked up to meet the kind eyes of Pogo.

"You should rest, Miss Katherine. Take a bath and sleep. It's been a long day."

If she had been feeling like herself then she would have told him not to ever call her Katherine because no one ever did and she hated the name, but she wasn't in the right frame of mind to correct anyone. She just nodded slightly and took her leave, heading to the rooms downstairs so that she could clear her mind. But all that happened was that she sat in the bath water, watching it turning blood red and sobbed to herself, keeping her cries low because she didn't want anyone to hear her. But she had been avoiding her feelings all week and now they were caught up with her, and there was no where she could go to escape them.

< March 31st 2019 >

In the Parlour upstairs, Diego had woken up from his fainting incident and was thinking about what to do next. Klaus was sat on the couch and Five was pacing the room. As much as they were worried about what was happening to Allison, they also knew that the fate of the world was on their shoulders and they needed to come up with a plan to stop it from happening; sooner rather than later. Time was running out and they were still not close to Harold Jenkins, but he knew that they were after him because of what had happened to Allison.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sister's still out there, with Vanya. We need to go after her."

Five brushed off the comment made by his brother because there were bigger things to worry about. "Vanya is not important."

"Hey, that's your sister." Diego snapped, shaking his head. "A little heartless even for you, Five."

"I'm not saying I don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

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