
15 2 0

i know just a week ago
you were on a pedestal in my mind.
i worshiped you
and everything you did.

but of course i've split
and now all i want
is to get away from you.

please just shut up.
you're killing me.
every move you make
annoys me to no end
you talk
and i want to rip my ears off.
oh my god
i'm such a terrible friend.

this is why i can't get close to people
i ruin everything i touch.
i'm pushing you away
because you're too much.
but you have to stay
for i'm too terrified of being abandoned.
even though i hate you right now

i'll come around eventually.
please know this isn't your fault
i really don't know how to stop it.
you're probably going to leave
that's what happens every time.

i guess i really am borderline.

the beauty of darknessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora