XIV- Shisui's Death

Start from the beginning

She walked closer to him and looked up at him with such sorrowful eyes, "how could I not blame myself? My big brother is doing something that I've known for years would happen. How can I say that I care for you, when I don't do anything to save you?" She attempted to swallow the lump in her throat as she continued, "Shisui... I don't want to lose you." She shook her head and whimpered, "I can't lose my big brother."

She immediately began crying to the point where she had to take gasps of air.

"I'm..." Shisui's voice trailed off as his tears finally escaped, "I'm so sorry Natalia." He knelt down to her height and instantaneously pulled her into a tight hug. "You shouldn't be here to see this. You know I have to do this, if you knew it was going to happen, then you must know you can't stop this. I'm so so sorry."

At this point, Natalia was uncontrollably bawling into his shoulder.

All Itachi could do was watch the scene unfold. He had never seen Shisui in this state. He could tell how much love they had for each other in that moment. He never expected Natalia to witness something like this. She shouldn't see her older brother do this. He didn't even know what Shisui was going to do until she started speaking of losing him.

Itachi just didn't know what he was supposed to do. His best friend, practically his brother as well, was about to... die?

'I can't believe this. What is he thinking?' Itachi thought worriedly.

You could barely understand her as she spoke between cries, "I know... but it...hurts..so much. Shisui." She lifted her head from his shoulder, looked him in the eye as she sniffled, "I love you so much big brother. I always will." She shut her eyes and practically screeched, "I promise. And I promise... your death won't be in vain.. I promise."

Shisui pulled her back into the embrace and actually started sobbing as well, "I love you so much my little sister...I'm so sorry...for the pain I'm causing you, and the pain you'll have to endure later as well. I promise I'll be watching over you. You never forget that. Your big brother's always here for you no matter what, you got that?"

She nodded against his shoulder, "yea. I do."

Shisui slightly pulled away from the hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. This only caused more tears to cascade down her cheeks.

Natalia shook her head, "no. I don't know how... I don't know how to live without you. Shisui I'm scared." She weeped.

Shisui attempted to give her a reassuring smile to the best of his ability, "I promise you'll be okay without me. I'm not the only big brother you have. And you have so many people that love you Natalia. They will always be there for you as well. I told you, I'll always watch over you." He wiped as many of her tears from her cheeks as possible, "now, before I give my left eye to Itachi, I need to see your smile one more time."

She nodded, "okay but it's hard to right now."

"I know, but please." He begged.

She sniffled and rubbed her eyes, attempting to alleviate the speed of the tears leaving her eyes.

She mustered the best smile she could give him.

It was the most depressing smile Itachi had ever witnessed, it actually hurt him to see her smile. Unbeknownst to him, a tear trailed from his eyes as well.

Shisui softly chuckled, "beautiful. Thank you."

Natalia looked down to the ground as more tears began coming out. She hated crying, she had never cried this much in her life.

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