V- Holy Heckerballs...

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<One Month Time Skip>

(Natalia's POV)

After a month and a half of living in Konoha, I had realized something. I was undeniably in love with this place. I was so happy here. It's seriously never boring in this village.

Let me give you an overview of how my life has been for the past month and how it was going:

Whenever Itachi wasn't away on missions, he always took Sasuke and I out for dango, which obviously resulted in me embarrassing him. Since Sasuke doesn't love dango like us, I always made sure to get Itachi to let us stop by the market first to get a small container of cherry tomatoes for him. I didn't really get his obsession with tomatoes... I actually thought it was extremely weird, but eh you do you, ya know?

Omg, speaking of "ya know?", I met Naruto! I ended up bumping into Shikamaru again and he invited me to hang out with him and two of his friends, which I of course, happily accepted. I already had my suspicions on who those "two friends" were, but I still ended up getting overly excited when I actually saw that it was Choji and Naruto. I remembered from the anime that they used to play together as kids but then for some reason stopped at some point during their academy days. I was always confused about that. Plot armor? Haha, probably.

Naruto was a little hesitant at first when he met me, but he warmed up to the idea that I ACTUALLY did want to be friends with him. He feels the need to be so cautious when someone is nice to him, and I hate seeing that. I told myself to put in extra effort into our friendship, but I didn't even need to. He was so fun! Although extremely loud and obnoxious, he was so enthusiastic about everything and made it all just so.. happy! I literally thought of him as a ray of sunshine that never dies down. It was honestly so astonishing to me how "bright" he was, especially in his situation. Of course not "bright" like smart, because well..you know..

Moving onto Choji, he was exactly how I expected him to be. He was so freaking nice and incredibly sweet and always shared his chips with me! And he somehow always had the best flavored chips too. I could tell he was happy to have another friend, and that made me happy as well.

I think Shikamaru was my favorite. He's just so relaxed all the time and it's refreshing. Watching the clouds with him was one of the many things I always wanted to do when watching the anime, and when we did, it was so nice. It made me forget about absolutely everything happening in the world around us. It made me forget about all the bad things that are bound to happen in the future...

That was another thing. The future...

For the past month and a half of living here, I was growing closer to the people around me, and it worried me. I was starting to think that I was getting too attached to the Uchiha family. When I first started living there, I figured it was inevitable, but I really started loving them as my own. Mikoto was just so caring and perfect. I always helped her around the house whenever I wasn't training and I would always help her with the cooking after she taught me how. Itachi was obviously already like a big brother to me and I loved him very much. Sasuke was practically my best friend and we were inseparable. Heck, I even loved Fugaku! The man I used to be so scared of? Yea, him! Even though he was so strict and formal, he would lighten up around me when telling me stories of the Uchiha clan and my father. He rarely spoke of my father, but when he did, it was so heartwarming. I could tell how close they were from the way he spoke of him.

Someone else I'd grown to love was Gramps. I had been visiting him every single day. We'd drink tea and talk about how I was doing with my training and living conditions. He really felt like a grandfather to me, and he even took me to meet little Konohamaru! He was THE CUTEST LITTLE THING EVER OMG. I've never seen anything cuter than an anime baby, and I'm completely serious about that. I can't wait for him to start eating solid foods and you know, develop a couple more brain cells, so I can take him out for dango like Itachi does with me. I already know Konohamaru is going to be like my baby brother as he grows up. Gramps noticed how much I care for him already and he told me he'd start taking me to visit him more often.

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