VI- Asuma+Kurenai=New Trainers!

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(Natalia's POV Continued)

"How do you know who we are?" Kurenai asked, still in shock.

"Well," I began. "I hang out with Gramps-I mean Lord Third, every day at his office, so obviously I know who his son is. I've also seen your dad there before and you look a lot like him." (I didn't lie)

They both nodded in understanding. Then Asuma asked, "so who exactly are you and why on earth are you hugging Kakashi?" He was clearly still in a state of confusion.

I looked at Kakashi expectantly. He rolled his eyes knowing he was gonna be the one to explain instead of me.

He was about to explain but then realized, "it's actually confidential information only certain Jonin and anyone ranked higher can know." They're eyebrows shot up.

I then intervened, "I know she's not a Jonin yet, but Kurenai can know. I can tell she's trustworthy." She smiled at me and I returned it.

Kakashi then tried to speak, "Natalia, she's not allo—"

"TBK" I interrupted.

He sighed. "Are you sure?"

I raised an eyebrow saying, "are you questioning my TBK?"

He froze. "No."

"Okay, then explain."

He sighed again.

"What the heck is TBK?" Asuma asked before Kakashi could begin explaining.

I answered, "it's a code word we have for something."

He then stupidly asked, "code word for what?"

I gave him a flat look. "Well it wouldn't be much of a code word if I told you."

Kurenai laughed and Asuma raised an eyebrow at me and said, "well you've certainly got a smart mouth for being so young." I shrugged. He sweatdropped.

Kakashi then added, "she's actually pretty bright and mature for her age, surprisingly". My jaw dropped. He gave me a confused look.

"You've never complimented me before." I said.

"Don't get used to it. I don't usually do that." He said, making me sweatdrop.

He noticed that Kurenai and Asuma were still waiting for an explanation, so he started telling them who I was, saying exactly what he told Guy when I met him.

While he was explaining, I went over to Itachi and Shisui who had been minding their own business the whole time. I briefly explained to them what went on and then Shisui started questioning how it was possible for me to be close to Kakashi. I just rolled my eyes at him ignoring his dumb questions, since I didn't even know how to answer them. I also finished up my dango and went back to Kakashi because I assumed he was finished explaining.

I sat next to him across from Kurenai and Asuma.

"A Senju living with the head of the Uchiha. That's ironic" Asuma muttered.

I replied, "Yea, I know, I questioned it too at first. Gramps said he wanted me with a family that was strong enough to protect me, so that's why I guess." (I half-lied) He nodded, understanding.

Kurenai spoke up, "Wait, if Tsunade is your mother, who's your father?" Dang it. She really had to ask that..

Kakashi replied. "That's classified information only she, the Hokage, Jiraiya and I know. The only reason why I know is because I was there when she came back to our world and was told who she really was." They slowly nodded with wide eyes. I noticed he didn't mention Itachi. That was smart.

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