XV- A Talk with Itachi

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(Natalia's POV Continued)

Itachi looked absolutely pissed.

"Like I said before, appearances and preconceptions aren't going to tell you anything. For instance, you've made the mistake of assuming I'm a patient man." Uh you kinda are.. "The clan, the clan. You overestimate your own abilities, with no idea of the depth of my own. And look at you now, groveling in the dirt." True, they did look pathetic.

Idiot Uchiha #1 grunted, "Shisui... had been keeping an eye on you recently... the strangeness of your behavior after your time in anbu couldn't be overlooked. What are you playing at you filthy little wretch?"

'Dude, you're literally planning to attack the village, so don't even talk.' I thought bitterly. I also flinched at his name being mentioned. It almost angered me to hear his name come out of this man's mouth.

Itachi continued his lecture, "obsessed with the organization, obsessed with the clan, obsessed with our lineage; a worthless compulsion that enslaves us. All it does is limit our capabilities. And that in turn, leads us to fear, which you don't understand."

Fugaku arrived on the scene, "stop it Itachi! That is enough. What on earth is the matter with you? Itachi, you've been strange lately."

"Nothing strange about me. I have my own duties to fulfill. That's all." he replied.

Fugaku then questioned him, "so why didn't you come last night then?" I tensed up.

Itachi answered with, "to reach the next level". And so did I..sadly.

"What are you talking about?" Fugaku was clearly confused.

It was at that moment that Tachi whipped out a kunai and threw it at the clan's symbol on the wall in front of our home.

Frustrated, he said, "I have had enough of this. There's no hope left for this pathetic clan. The people of this clan are all the same. You focus on the trivial and lose sight of what's important. Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance. How can we evolve when regulation is the only thing we've ever known?"

"Such arrogance!" Fugaku shouted at him.

Idiot Uchiha #1 intervened, "That's enough! If I hear one more word of this nonsense, I'll have you thrown behind bars! ... Well? What's it gonna be?" At this point, the three idiot Uchiha men were standing beside Fugaku. I didn't even notice when they stood up.

Idiot Uchiha #2 added, "I can't take this anymore. Please sir, just give me the order!"

I sensed his chakra a while ago, so I knew he was basically right below me, but Sasuke finally jumped in, "Big brother! You have to stop!"

Hearing his little brother's voice, Itachi instantly fell to the floor on his knees after deactivating his sharingan.

He then bowed, which caught them off guard, "I'm not the one who killed Shisui. But I apologize for the words I have spoken. I'm truly sorry." Ugh! What is it with his name?! It makes me tense up every single freaking time.

Fugaku sighed, "well I guess he has been pretty tired lately. Up to his years in missions from the Anbu Black Ops."

Idiot Uchiha #1 urged him, "but Captain!"

Fugaku added, "Anbu are under the direct control of the Hokage. Even if you wanted to arrest one of them, you would need to get a warrant first. As for Itachi, I take full responsibility for him. You have my word."

Idiot Uchiha #1 replied, "very well sir." He then asked Uncle Fugaku, "Now what are you going to do about her?" He pointed up to me.

'It's about time they noticed me.' I mentally rolled my eyes.

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