IX- Meeting Izumi Uchiha & Brother Sister Moment<3

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<One Month Time Skip>

Exactly a month had passed since Sasuke's birthday. Today was my day off of training, but I already had set plans for the day. I was so excited.

Tachi told me that watching Sasuke and I reminded him of when he was younger and first started liking Izumi Uchiha (picture). The two had been official for a while now, and he wanted to introduce me to her! AHHH I was so excited to meet her omg. He also said he wanted Sasuke to tag along as well for a bit before he had to leave for the Academy.

That wasn't the only thing I had planned for the day, Shisui said he wanted to spend time with me and take me somewhere special. I was obviously excited for that as well.

I hastily got ready that morning to meet Izumi. Tachi told me to meet him at the lake (yes, THE lake) in the Uchiha training grounds. I finished my breakfast quickly and just went straight to the lake and told Sasuke to meet me there after he ate.

Approaching them, I noticed how perfect Izumi and Itachi looked together. She was so beautiful and had really pretty, long brown hair. They saw me and smiled.

I smiled back and as I sat down with them, I greeted her, "Hi, you must be Izumi! I'm Natalia; Tachi's told me looottttsss about you."

She giggled, "He's told me lots about you too. It's nice to meet you! You're absolutely adorable."

I smiled, "thank you, and you're really pretty!" She gave me a nice big smile. My eyes widened, "Oh! And we have the same beauty mark!!" I exclaimed while pointing to mine.

Her jaw dropped, "oh my gosh, we do!"

We looked at Tachi with amazed expressions and he chuckled, "I noticed that too." He smiled at us. We smiled back.

Izumi then spoke to him, "Well I'm glad this one actually likes me."

I was really confused but then remembered the flashbacks from the anime of Sasuke crying as a baby whenever Izumi tried to carry him.

"Wait, are you talking about Sasuke?" I asked and they nodded. "He still doesn't like you? I thought that was only a thing when he was a baby. How could he not like you! That makes no sense." Tachi raised an eyebrow at me because he knew he never told me that. I mouthed to him "TBK". He silently sighed.

Izumi didn't notice, "I have no idea!"

I then asked them, "are you sure he doesn't?"

Tachi then said, "you'll see". I raised an eyebrow then nodded skeptically.

With practically impeccable timing, we saw Sasuke approaching the lake. His eyes landed on me and smiled, I smiled back, and then his eyes landed on Izumi. His expression instantly became sour. My jaw actually dropped.

"Told you." Tachi muttered.

"What the heck!" I whispered. He chuckled.

I noticed Izumi grow kinda tense. Why was he so rude to her?

I stood up when Sasuke got to us. "Sasuke, can I speak with you for a moment? Alone." Without letting him answer, I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him away to begin my lecture. Izumi and Tachi just blinked.

Once we were a little further away from them, I stopped, let go of his hand and put my hands on my hips. "Why on earth do you hate Izumi?!"

"I don't hate her, I just don't like her." He answered simply.

"Okay.... well why do you not like her?" I asked.

"She takes time away from him that he should be spending with me!" He answered.

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