•Part twenty two

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"I just realised something." You said as you jumped on Brooklyn's bed.

"And what might that be?" Brooklyn asked you.

"The last task, it's on my birthday!" You answered with a smile.

"Wait actually? It's on the 24th?" She wondered.

"Yeah! I can't wait." You exclaimed.

"Neither can I now, any clues on what the task might be?" She asked.

"Not yet sadly, hopefully someone knows soon though so I know what to expect." You replied.

"All I know is that the quidditch pitch is now officially off limits, maybe because of the task." She suggested.

"Why didn't you say that earlier!" You teased. "But speaking of quidditch, have you heard from Cedric lately?"

"Actually no, not since the second task. But that was around a week ago." She said now with a small sad expression on her face now.

"He went off with Adrian last time we saw him." You said, now with a smirk.

"Your planning something." She figured out. "What is it!?"

"Let's sneak into the Slytherin dorms, maybe we would find Cedric in there." You said eagerly. "If not then the Hufflepuff dorms."

"Let's go!"

The two girls practically sprinted to the dungeons to find Cedric, you both obviously knew their password. Pureblood. You walked inside to see Draco Malfoy sitting down with Pansy Parkinson.

"What are you two doing in here, this place is for royalty and not people like you." Pansy shot you two a dirty look, but Draco scoffed.

"Potter, Willow, don't mind Parkinson. She is being moody because of something, what do you both need though?" Malfoy asked and stood up.

"Have you seen Cedric lately, Malfoy?" Brooklyn asked him.

"No, why?"

"Brilliant. Where is Pucey's dorm though?"

"Follow me."

Draco led you and Brooklyn to Adrians dorm then left. The girls walked inside and didn't see anyone there so you just left and headed down to the barrels. Some Hufflepuff's had just went inside so you two ran to get in before the barrels closed again. Luckily, you made it.

"Has anyone in here seen Cedric Big Dickory?" Brooklyn yelled and all eyes were now on her.

"Big Dickory?" A random Hufflepuff called out.

"Yeah, just tell us if you've seen him!" She scoffed.

"He is refusing to leave his room, I'm not sure why but all us boys have to sleep somewhere else because it's full of glass in there. No idea why." Anthony spoke up.

"What the fu-" Brooklyn started but you covered her mouth before she could finish.

"Can you let us in?" You asked Anthony.

"Yeah come with me." He got up and took the girls to his dorm, then left once the three got there.

"Cedric Diggory, your coming to the kitchens with us wether you like it or not." You said and barged in with Brooklyn.

The two of you could hardly walk anywhere, it was clear that Anthony was not lying. There was broken glass everyone, the entire room had been tested apart. Cedric was laying in his bed and didn't even bother to look up, he just stayed facing down.

"What the hell happened in here!" Brooklyn avoided all the stuff on the floor and sat on the end of Cedric's bed. You followed her and sat on the opposite end.

"I don't know." He simply said but it came out all muffled.

"Speak up, we can't hear you because of the pillow!" Brooklyn said sarcastically.

"I said, I don't know!" He lifted his slightly so you could both hear better.

"Cedric what's up, talk to us." You said.

"No." He replied.

"Why not?" Brooklyn wondered.

"I don't want to talk.. please just leave and shut the door behind you." He sighed.

"Fine, but we are going to bring you food every single day, and also going to stay in here with you cleaning everyday!" Brooklyn said and gave him a small kiss on his cheek, then left.

"You can count on that, Big Dickory." You gave him a kiss on his head then also left, Brooklyn was waiting outside for you.

"Well that was a fail." She sighed and walked out of the barrels with you. "At least we know that Cedric is alive."

"Yeah, it's like he isn't alive to himself though. I just want him to actually talk to us properly, we could try help with whatever is going on!" You also sighed.

"He should come around eventually, he always does." Brooklyn said.

"I mean, he is Cedric Big Dickory." You joked and both of you laughed.

"Kitchens?" Brooklyn suggested.

"Of course." You confirmed.

You two walked to the kitchens and saw two people sitting there talking to the house elves and eating some food.

"Should have known you boys would be in here." Brooklyn said then went to talk to Tulip and Spots about what food you and her want.

"Surprise?" George said and Fred held up his hands, making small movements with a smile on his face but food still stuffed in his mouth.

"Where have you been today?" Fred asked after he finished the roll that he was halfway though eating before you and Brooklyn disturbed them.

"Trying to find Cedric, it was a total fail though." You said and sat down next to Fred, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Agreed." Brooklyn agreed and sat down next to George, copying your movements but giving you some of the food.

"Excited for the next task?" George questioned.

"Oh I can't wait, but we only have a couple of months to figure out what I have to do for it." You replied.

"We thought you knew! It's a maze full of weird creatures and shit, Charlie told us." Fred told you.

"That makes sense then, but how did Charlie know?" You wondered.

"He helped with the dragons at the first task, so he must have been told about all the other tasks too." George said.

"Makes sense." You said.

All four of you spent a while on the kitchens eating, talking and joking around. It was fun.

A/N: wonder what happened to Big Dickory, you'll find out soon!

Word count: 1024

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