•Part six

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The worst injury you got was a burn on your face. Luckily, from that cream you got from Charlie, there was so scar left on your cheek. Although there was no evidence, you survived a pretty nasty dragon burn and were quite proud of yourself.

You knew the other champions were getting this too, but throughout the entire week, students from all the participating schools had been congratulating you for your achievement. Everyone but Harry of course..

People were still going on about him not being seventeen yet and how he is a "cheat" for entering his name. How would he even put his name in? He is only fourteen, for Merlins sake! Even Ron doesn't believe Harry, he is his own best friend! You only ever see Harry with Hermione now or by himself, but Ron is only with Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas.

At first, even Brooklyn didn't believe Harry that he did not enter his name, but she soon came around. Mainly from all of your lecturing about why he wouldn't be able to enter himself.

Fred and you hadn't spoken since the first task, the only times you've seen him were in lessons or walking through the halls with your friends. Right now was one of those times.

Brooklyn and you were walking to your first class, potions with professor Snape. You and Brooklyn were in a deep conversation about her love life in the Muggle world when you saw him. Fred was with George, Lee, and two girls, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. It was so obvious that Angelina liked Fred, not just as a friend. You couldn't help but get jealous over the thought of them two together.

"Hello? Earth to Natalie!" Brooklyn said, waving her hand in front of your face trying to get back your attention.

"Sorry, what were we talking about?" You asked, completely ignoring Fred's glances at you as you two went into the classroom.

"How Muggles have these things called condoms, it's so weird! They are these balloon shaped things that go around a boys-" she was making hand gestures trying to explain what a condom was.

"Brooklyn! Trust me, I know what a condom is, don't worry." You told her taking a seat at the back of the class.

"How? We don't have them here, we just have the morning-after pill and that spell." This was all you and Brooklyn ever talked about, and all the time she was the one to initiate the conversation.

Class went on with Brooklyn trying to tell you more about her sex life with random Muggle's. You had been learning about breathing underwater and potions you could use to help more. Snape said it could come in handy, but nobody knew what he was talking about. No one ever does.

After class, we had charms with professor Flitwick. We shared this class with the Hufflepuffs, which meant you were with your good friend and partner, Cedric Diggory. Since Brooklyn was sat on the other side of the class, if we ever needed to perform any safe charms on anyone else, me and Cedric would choose each other. He sat right next to me, always saving a seat with his foot.

"Diggory, move your foot or I will squish it." You threatened, joking with him.

"Why are you always so feisty? I saved you a seat like I always do!" He stated, moving his feet off your chair so you could sit down.

"Which I am grateful for, it's not my ideal situation to be sat next to Fred right now." You whispered to him, knowing Fred was sat right in front of you with Angelina.

"True, you still haven't told me what your deal is with him. When will you?" He asked.

"How about, never!" You winked at him the turned to face Flitwick.

"Come on, please!" He stretched out the 'e' on the end and make a face at you.

"Fine, let's just say we had an argument and now we aren't together anymore." You tried to focus on what the professor was saying.

Cedric was the only person you had told about you and Fred, some people had their suspicions but Cedric knew for sure.

"I'm so sorry, Natalie."

"It's alright, Ced, I just need to deal with seeing his face everyday."

"That must suck."

"It really does, wait are you even listening to what Flitwick is saying?"

"Nah, you know I never do." He winked at you and tried making small talk throughout the entire lesson.

Professor Flitwick was teaching everyone about bubble head charms and underwater charms anyone could easily use.

"Come on, Cedric, we need to get this right!" You complained to the Hufflepuff who was messing around with your wand.

"Why? It's just a stupid charm." He placed your wand back in your hand.

"I feel like it has something to do with the next task, first underwater potions and now charms too? It has to be linked!" You tried thinking of all the possible things that you could use for this.

"I'm sure it does, Nat." Cedric rolled his eyes as you performed the charm perfectly for the fourth time. "How do you do that?"

"It's easy, just do this." You walk up to him and help him move his wand in the correct movement to cast the charm. Soon enough, he figured it out and managed to cast it perfectly!

"Don't look now, he is staring." Cedric looked behind you then back to your eyes.

"Who?" You turn around and are automatically met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"Natalie?" Brooklyn called out for you, you took your opportunity and said your goodbye to Cedric as he handed you your bag.

"Wait up!" You yelled after your friend.

"Walk faster! Naomi told us to meet her in our dorm before lunch, remember?" That was true, your sister had told you and Brooklyn to meet her in your dorm for something really important.

"I wonder what it is." You and her finally reached your dorm, stepping inside you saw books scattered around the room and a very stressed out Naomi pacing by the foot of a spare bed.

"Finally! I think I found it." Naomi showed the two girls a book of old Wizarding families. This was the answer you had been looking for, who your father really is.

"Remus Lupin!?" You yelled.

A/N: ooo a small cliffhanger. The girls finally found out who their dad is!

Word count: 1088

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