•Part nine

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quick a/n: let's pretend that Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs had their exams together in the great hall. the same scene that Fred asked Angelina!

Ever since the Yule Ball was announced, everyone has been asking out people left and right. Even George and Brooklyn had already decided about going together, that just meant you would have to find a date or go solo. All champions were required to get a date for the ball because they would have to dance with them in front of everyone for the first dance.

Secretly, you were hoping a specific Weasley would ask you, Fred. He hadn't asked, not yet at least, although it wasn't a secret that he was planning on asking someone. Him and George were always talking about who Fred wanted to ask out, but they never said the persons name so nobody knew who it was.

Brooklyn and Cedric were convinced it would be you, but you weren't as sure. They always tried to talk about if Fred would ask you or who Cedric would ask, but right now you guys couldn't because right now you were sat in the great hall with all the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs taking some exams.

"Are you sure he won't ask you?" Cedric whispered to you whilst eyeing Snape making sure he is nowhere near you three.

"I'm positive." You whispered back.

"Your pregnant? Who did you have sex with?" Brooklyn teased.

"Of course I am, I had sex with Cedric." You joked back but ended up whispering it a bit too loud.

Cedric had a confused look on his face, so Brooklyn nudged him and he finally understood making him join in on the fun.

"Yeah, the sex was fantastic. Got her moaning my name a little too loud, think the silence charm broke because of how loud she was." He joined in on the joke and wrapped his arm around you.

Snape came over to you, pulled Cedric's arm off your shoulder and pushed all three of your heads back down to your papers making the trio laugh a bit.

You glanced over to see Ron and Harry whispering about something then getting their heads pushed down, and George trying to calm Fred down because of his obvious clenched jaw.

Fred Pov

"She had sex with him, George, how am I meant to stay calm?!" I angrily whispered to my twin.

"Try make her jealous, it's clear she would want to go to the Ball with Diggory now so just ask someone else." George told me and gave me a scrap piece of parchment paper.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"To tell them two your plan!" He answered and pointed to Ron and Harry.

Get a move on, all the good ones will be gone soon.

I threw the paper at my youngest brother and he then mouthed something at me after showing Harry the paper.

"Who are you going with then?" Ron mouthed to me.

I winked at him then threw a small eraser at Angelina Johnson. That got her attention.

"Would you, like to go to the Ball with me?" I mouthed whilst doing small movements to show her what I was saying more.

"Yeah alright." She smiled and mouthed back to me, I then winked at the two boys sitting across from me and continued my exam.

Little did I know, the girl I had planned on asking had been watching the entire time.

Back to Natalie's Pov

You slammed down your pencil, grabbed your bags and paper then made your way over to professor Snape who was walking around.

As you handed him the paper and stormed out, Brooklyn and Cedric soon came running after you.

"What's wrong?" Cedric asked.

"Are you stupid, Fred asked Angelina to the Ball!" Brooklyn punched Cedric's shoulder and rolled her eyes then went to hug me. "He is a complete dick, if he asked Johnson, then let him. He isn't worth your tears."

You hadn't even realised you were crying, but Brooklyn had pulled away from the hug and wiped them for you.

"Better, now let's go down to the kitchens and distract ourselves with some food!" Cedric decided and started leading us towards the kitchen like a proud father. "This way, children!"

He continued to lead the way down to the kitchens and you were all greeted with some super sweet house elves.

"What can we do for you, Master Diggory?" One small elf asked Cedric and bowed down to him.

"I see you have bought a friend with you today, Master Diggory." Another one called out from the fridge.

"Right, Natalie and Brooklyn, these two elves right here are Spots and Tulip." Cedric introduced us to his elf friends.

Spots had a old, but pretty, black and white polka dot dress on. Tulip had a beautiful, white tulip tucked behind her ear. Both of their names had meanings to their personality clearly.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Madam Potter and Madam Lupin." Spots greeted us and bowed down as well, copied by Tulip.

"Wait how did you two find out about her father? I'm sure Natalie would want to be called Natalie Willow, if you don't mind-" you interrupted him by covering his mouth.

"Lupin is fine, I think Natalie Lupin has a nice ring to it." You winked at the two house elves.

"How did they know both of our names though, I haven't been down here since first year and those two house elves haven't been there!" Brooklyn asked Cedric, after he had finished telling them some food to get.

"They know what everyone's names and looks are, I have idea how but they just always have!"

The three of you spent the rest of your day skipping classes and meals, but spent the day in the kitchens listening to house elves stories of other students in the kitchens out of hours or to get some alone time.

Turns out all the elves were very good at baking cookies and even told you three a story about two boys who always get cookies every time they arrive in the kitchens. It was most probably the twins, when they told you about them it made you tense up and Tulip the elf noticed so she almost immediately changed the subject.

You could spend all your days in the kitchens with some great company, such as the elves. They were really good listeners and even better story tellers. It was as if they all had an infinite amount of stories to tell you all.

Sadly, your journey in the kitchens and been cut short due to shouting and footsteps leading towards the kitchen. The three of you all said your goodbyes and ran out. Cedric and Brooklyn ran back to your dorm while you stayed back quickly to see who was there.

You turned your head around the corner to see George arguing with Fred.

"I didn't realise you were going to ask her to the Ball! Why not ask someone else like Alicia?" George shouted at his twin.

"Like Natalie would give a fuck, she is too busy having sex with Diggory to even notice that I asked her! That is the only reason I asked anyone else in the first place, you gave me the idea, remember?" Fred argued back.

You quickly ran after your two friends, trying to forget the conversation you just heard knowing it was about you.

"What happened to you?" Cedric asked as you collapsed onto your bed.

"Fred thinks we had sex."

A/N: who should Natalie go to the Ball with now that Fred asked Angelina Johnson?

Word count: 1278

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