•Part thirteen

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"He loves me, Brooklyn." You sighed and collapsed on your bed again. "He loves me, and I ruined our entire relationship."

It was the next day, Cedric already left for his class while your and Brooklyn were about to leave for potions.

"Right, get up and listen to me." She grabbed your hands and pulled you up, cupping your face.

"Don't try tell me I didn't mess things up-" you started but Brooklyn quickly shut you down.

"I will tell you because you did not screw everything up with Fred. He loves you and you love him, both of you messed up and you can't deny that, so just talk it out." Brooklyn helped. "If you two really love each other like you say you do, a simple talk together would fix almost everything! It's what me and George do."

"Seriously Brooklyn, what the hell did I do to deserve you in my life?" You hugged her and she kissed your head.

"Come on, we'll be late for potions!"

The two girls ran down to potions class to see the Slytherin's and half of the Gryffindor's already there at their stations.

"You are both late. Five points from Gryffindor each, now go and set up your station." Snape said, his face expressions changing very slightly when he mentioned the point loss.

"Today we will be studying Amortentia, can anyone tell me what that is?" He asked as several hands flew up into the air.

Snape pointed at a Slytherin called Astoria Greengrass. "It is the most powerful love potion, sir."

"Correct, five points to Slytherin." He gifted making you and Brooklyn exchange a look, followed by a scoff.

"Turn to page three hundred and ninety four, the ingredients and instructions will be there ready for you."

After almost an hour of messing around trying to make a love potion, the two girls finally completed the task.

"Boom! One Amortentia, sir." Brooklyn threw her hands in the air, celebrating our victory.

You looked over and saw Fred looking at you with a sad expression, noticing how happy you were without him.

"Right, now smell the potion." Snape suggested. The girls just gave a confused expression. "Don't be shy, what does it smell like?"

"I smell..." Brooklyn smelt the potion. "Gunpowder, cinnamon, quidditch equipment and brownies."

"That is so obvious, me." George came over from behind and threw Brooklyn over his shoulder. "Sorry professor, but if your going to give me a detention then I'll do it later. I've got to do something with this girl."

George smirked and ran out of the room, with Brooklyn giggling on his shoulder.

"Wonder where they are going." You secretly knew George's plan though. It was obvious.

"Both your parents have left, so pair up together and smell that potion." Snape suggested to you and Fred.

"What? We- no." You laughed, hoping it was a cruel joke.

"You two are partners now, thats final!" Snape walked off to help other students.

"So, partner, what do you smell?" Fred asked and set his bag down on a chair.

"Nope, you go first." You told him and took a seat.

"Fine. I smell, coconuts, wet grass, pumpkin juice and chocolate frogs.." he trailed off.

Fred smelt you, that was your scent. Coconuts, the shampoo you always use. Wet grass, from your love of playing sports in the rain. Pumpkin juice, your choice of drink everywhere you go. Chocolate frogs, the food he always used to get you if you were upset.

He truly did love you and you loved him too.

"Well? What do you smell?" He questioned.

"I smell, gunpowder, cinnamon, quidditch equipment, fire and cookies." It was Fred.

You smelt Fred. Everything from his pranks, sporting abilities and shampoo, to the cookies you two used to steal at the burrow and the fire you two started at the burrow accidentally that was immediately set out by Charlie and Bill.

"Right everyone, well done today. Class dismissed." Snape called out and everyone grabbed their bags to head towards the door. "Also some tell George Weasley and Brooklyn Potter that they both have detention with Fred Weasley and Natalie Willow tomorrow."

"What!" You and Fred yelled in unison.

"What did we even do?" You asked the teacher.

"You knew they were leaving, and did not even think about stopping the two. You will be joining them in their detention, no more questions." Snape said and rushed them out the classroom, which they did.

"Great, now we have detention together." You said sarcastically.

"I think that detention will be a perfect time to talk, don't you?" Fred said and put his arm round your shoulders.

"Sure, see you later Weasley. Tell Brooklyn, if you see her, that I'm at the black lake for our free period." You told Fred and threw his arm off of your shoulder.

"I'm not sure if I really want to see either of them, from what we know, they are off having sex somewhere." He shrugged and walked off. "Hopefully not my bed.."

You laughed at the small comment he made then headed towards the black lake.

After spending fifteen minutes of studying for the second task again, your thoughts were soon interrupted by someone running towards you.

"I was right! They are having sex on my bed!" He collapsed, face first onto the grass, trying to get the image out of his head.

"You actually went in there! Where they fucking each other?" You laughed and laid down next to him, looking up into the sky.

"Yes! It was terrifying, I need to get that image out of my head." He flipped over to face the sky with you.

"I just need to get that thought out of my head, I can't believe they ditched us for sex." You rolled your eyes jokingly.

"I can." He said simply.

"What do you wanna do then?"

"Just hang, its nice forgetting about things for a little bit. And being with you." He turned to face you, you copied him.


The rest of your day was spent with Fred, walking together to every class and making jokes together since George and Brooklyn were not around. It was nice, forgetting about it what happened between you two for a bit.

If only it would stay like that forever.

Word count: 1056

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