•Part sixteen

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The 25th of December is a time for love, family, friends. Spending time with someone you love is precious, don't waste it.

Today was a day most people would spend with their family, but not the Willow sisters. Since their mother passed and they only just found out who their dad was, the two only had each other to spend the day with. It was lovely, but they both secretly wished it more than just them two in their own family.

The two girls were currently sat in their rooms, staring at a piece of parchment placed on the small desk in the corner of the dorm. It read,

Dear Naomi and Natalie Willow,

I am so sorry for never writing to either one of you, or even speaking to you about this during my time at Hogwarts. It's time you two get some more answers though. After all, I am your dad.

Around 30 years ago, I first met your mother at Hogwarts. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen, and definitely the kindest. Your mother and I soon fell in love, she was the love of my life until the first Wizarding War occurred.

The year of the first Wizarding War was one of the most heartbreaking times for anyone, people were loosing everyone they loved left and right. By this time, Naomi was one years old, Natalie was still not born yet but your mother was eight months along with her

While Naomi was staying at your grandmothers house, I had begged your mother to stay with her but she refused. She wanted to fight and that is one of the things I admire most on out her. Your mother was a proud fighter.

We were in hiding with our other friends, the Marauder's, when your mother went into labour with Natalie at eight months and two weeks.

Your mother had a very hard time delivering Natalie, too hard in fact that the birth was too much. She passed away very shortly after giving birth to you.

The girls could both notice that there were dried up tear stains on the letter at the mention of their mother. It was definitely enough to make the girls start crying as well, that they did. They shared some tears then continued reading the letter.

She was a unique girl, I loved her so much for it and her love for you two girls was so much even for the little time she had with the two of you.

I would be delighted to come visit you in Hogsmeade for just a chat, we can discuss when another day. Soon though, I already can't wait to meet you two as my daughters and not my students!

Love, your dad,
Remus Lupin.

We both had bright smiles on our faces and a few tears still in our eyes making us both laugh slightly. The laughter was cut off by someone yelling outside of the dorm, many people actually.


They ran into the dorm hitting pots with wooden spoons, probably from the kitchen, and singing Christmas songs at the top of their lungs.

"Alright! You can shut up now." Brooklyn groaned and rolled out of the bed onto the floor. "Ouch."

As Brooklyn got up, Fred walked over to your bed and sat himself on the end of your bed. He had a small box in his hand which he handed to you with a smile.

"This, is for you." Fred smiled to you. "Gotten anymore notes?"

"Actually yeah, look." You handed him a small piece of paper on your nightstand then went back to opening the box.

My biggest regret is not telling you how much I loved you sooner. I love you so bloody much Natalie Willow Lupin, so much.

Inside the box, was a gorgeous golden ring, the ring had small letters carved inside which were NWL for Natalie Willow Lupin.

"Oh my- Fred!" You tackled Fred with a hug and his arms stretched around your body then his hands full up to your blonde hair, moving it out of your face as you two pulled away from the hug.

Your eyes had connected with his brown ones, it was like only the two of you were in this dorm until someone made you two pull apart.

"What did he get you?" Naomi asked and placed a small bag on the floor filled with paper and something from Lee.

"Look." You showed her the ring that was now placed on your ring finger, above another one that you received last you which was your mother's.

"That's beautiful!" Your sister told you.

"Woah, he's a keeper." Brooklyn said as she took a look at the ring.

"What did George get you?" You asked.

"Something that doesn't concern anyone other than us two, it's a bit private" George winked then laid down on Brooklyn's bed.

"I have your present later for you, Freddie."

"You didn't have to get me anything, love."

"But you got me something, plus it's a bit too late I already got it!"

"Actually I didn't get you something, I made it."

"Well I love it, so much." You gave him a kiss on his cheek then Naomi pulled you up to start singing with everyone since another Christmas song was being played in the common room.

It was times like this, that you loved. Spending time with your best friends and your sister dancing and singing together is what you love the most.

All six of you were dancing together whilst singing and laughing at every movement. Fred grabbed your hand and spun you around, copying what George had done to Brooklyn and what Lee done to Naomi.

"This is the best!" You yelled as all of you danced into the common room to see even more people there having fun.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, Dean and Ginny were all dancing together and laughing so the six of you joined them.

A/N: decided to make a happy fun  chapter because it's my birthday today! Happy birthday to meee!

Word count: 1032

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