"W-well?" I spat out quickly, gripping the handrail nervously. 

He shook his head as if he didn't understand me well. 

"Won't you apologize?" I said, debating to get closer to the light switch or not - it meant getting closer to him as well. 

"I'm sorry. I'm n...am very sorry", he said as if he asked me something. "Here, come in so that we can talk, huh?"

"Actually", I chuckled awkwardly, deciding to listen to my inexplainable instincts and get away as soon as possible, "I remembered I told Mei I'd come, so..."

"Please!" he practically shouted. 

Every sane part of me was saying - shouting - to get away and call someone to pick me up. Even if it's Katsuki. But most of me simply goes insane when Izuku is around. He's like some addictive steam that bursts everywhere and stuns every single breathing thing (plants breathe too). The steam had special effect on me since I completely lose my mind whenever he looks at me. That's why most of me was insane

I nodded and he gave me his hand which I took insecurely. His eyes still twitched a bit and I gulped as he smiled at me oddly. As he pulled me into the dark apartment, I tried to see something. The doors separating the hall we were in and the other rooms were closed. No light anywhere. I could only guess some shadows in the hall were coming from the shelves around us. Izuku was quiet for a while. Suddenly I smelt something burnt and alcohol. I wrinkled my nose confusedly. 

"The fuck...? Were you drinking?" I asked as I reached for the door handle.

"No!" he yelped and turned me away from the doors. 

"Let me get in there", I demanded. 

"No. We stay here", he said strictly, his eyes twitching more than before. 

"Let me through, Izuku", I repeated, more quietly.

"There is nothing to see. Nothing at all. We stay here", he chanted.

I backed away from him for a moment, getting closer to the wall. 

"Heh, not scared of me now, are you, Alex?" he smiled, still with that crazy note. 

"I actually am", I muttered, still backing away. 

As my hands touched the cold wall, my breathing sped up rapidly. Hearing the way he said 'Alex', I knew it wasn't him - or someone simply made him go crazy in about 30 minutes. I knew for a fact that my surprised exodus or our fight couldn't have made him react this way. And I also knew this most definitely wasn't his real behavior. Ochako's warnings rang in my head like a bell and sudden realization blew its dust all over my senses. 

I tried to move a bit more towards the doors as my heart skipped beats and then rushed to compensate for the lost beats. My hand slowly reached for the doorknob behind my back. I was in that sweet belief he wouldn't notice me. 

"Oi, oi, oi... no gettin' away now. You wanted to talk", he said as he pulled me away from the doors and pushed me into the doors across the hall leading to the kitchen. 

"Y-you wanted to..." I stuttered out, turning away quickly as I thought I heard something coming from the kitchen. "Who are you?"

"Come on, Alex. It's Izuku. It's n... is most definitely Izuku", he practically sang in a way as if he is having a fight with himself. 

I looked around to see if I have anything near me to hit him on the head or something. Seeing the empty room, I decided to go with the flow. 

"So, you got another woman in there, huh?" I said, pointing at the doors he didn't let me open. 

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now