f o r t y - s e v e n

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"c'mon bubba" i whispered

she sniffs as i walk us back to our seats, kenzie sat next to max as i sat at the end next to her

the ceremony started and i kept my firm tight on her arm, scared.

"today we are here for the passing of sarah louise, she was a loving mother, friend and wife to many, she will be missed dearly"

"she cared and looked after everybody, she was a great friend to have there when needed, we are going to have to speeches now...thank you" the pastor spoke at the front

first was bruce, he stood up the front, clearly holding his tears back as much as he could.

"sarah...i love you, and i always will, i know your up there, looking down on us, we will miss you dearly, when we first met at the library, i never knew you would mean the world to me, i would never of thought you be the woman i would marry, the woman that would have my kids, but i'm so glad that you were" he tilted his head down and held the bridge of his nice, trying to not cry.

"i'll miss you mum"



after the ceremony was over i made my way to my mothers gravestone, we all said ours gooodbyes together but i wanted one last minute, the snow made the atmosphere ten times better for this, the snow that my mum loved.

amongst all the other graves i found her, standing out, yellow flowers covered her stone, this time i wasn't upset, i was happy.

not that she was gone, but the fact that she was resting now, seeing her going through that pain is worse then all of this.

i ran my fingers over the top of the fresh marble, the snow laying on top, i spoke "i love you"

even if this wasn't a sign it felt like it, a bird sat on top of the gravestone, chirping away like there was no tomorrow, the sun was setting behind me over the church walls.

i felt a hand on my shoulder, startling slightly it gave me comfort when i knew it was ross, his scent lingering around us both as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in my neck

i leant backwards into him slightly so i could havw contact, his fingers intertwined in front of us both on my stomach as my hands layed on top of his

he kissed my neck gently before looking down at me, i looked up and kept my view of his brown eyes that i loved so so very much

"what'd you say we go home and watch a movie?" he smiled

i smiled weakly with my eyes shut "i'd like that"

he leant down and kissed me gently before letting go, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked through the graveyard

i really do love him.

i kept my eyes on my mother's, the brightest there.

i really do love her.

i recon this will be a new beginning.

i know that that's not what i wanted, to say goodbye, i really wanted to keep as much of her mother as possible, but sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them too.

and that's okay.

i've learnt that it's okay for that to happen.

slowly but surely.



this chapters so so short compared to the others...and it's a day late.

i promise you that it only gets better from here.

baring in mind i live in the uk so time differences are a pain

yeah the next chapters are gonna be like a rollercoaster so good luck ;)


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