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It was around 2:00 am and I was still walking around. I was walking past a park and saw something that I thought looked pretty unusual. I squinted my eyes and saw some boys drowning another one in a fountain. 

That's when I saw Johnny. He had been laying down on the ground but he had mustered up the strength to stand up. I saw as he fumbled to pull something out of his pocket. As soon as I saw the sharp knife, I knew it was a switchblade. I ran over to them as fast as I could. When Johnny saw me, he looked relieved. I looked at him and signalled for him to stay there before walking up behind the guy drowning Pony. 

When I was about an arms distance away I cleared my throat and tapped on his shoulder a couple of times. He turned to face me, looking really annoyed and angry. That's when I hit him square in the jaw, putting all my weight into it. He stumbled back and passed out on the floor right in front of his friends. They quickly picked him up, ran to their car and drove off.

"You guys okay?" I asked, looking between Pony and Johnny.

Ponyboy was sitting on the floor, leaning on the fountain, coughing. My attention was set on him until I felt someone hug me. When I turned around, I saw Johnny. I didn't really know what to do, so I hugged back.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"No problem"

He let go and we both walked up to Pony. I reached my hand out to him and he took it, pulling himself off the ground.

" I think I'm gonna be sick," Pony mumbled before running off to a merry-go-round and throwing up by it.

"They didn't get you too bad, did they, Johnny?" I asked, looking him in the eyes.

"No, I'm alright. Thanks for helping us out, though. Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't been there." he chuckled, sending me a small smile.

"Yeah," I said, smiling back, "What're you guys doing out here so late, anyway?"

 "I could ask you the same thing," he answered.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I chuckled.

"We were out on the playground when Bob and the rest of those socs came looking for trouble. They were drunk and they were mad because they caught us walking with their girls. Bob, the one you punched, is Cherry's boyfriend, ya know?" Johnny said.

"Damn, why would she be with a guy like him? And what the hell's a soc. I've been hearing soc and greaser all around town but I have no fucking clue what the hell it is." I asked, sort of talking to myself.

I'm not going to lie, I felt pretty disappointed when I found out she was with a man. I didn't lose all hope, though. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to do that considering I've been with men before, too.

Johnny laughed, "A soc is a rich kid, they live on the west side of town. They like to jump us greasers for fun. Greasers are just the lower class kids, who live on the east end."

Pony then walked up to us.

"I should probably get home. You can come stay on our couch, Johnnycakes. Thanks for helping us out Y/N." Pony said.

I smiled and nodded his way before we began walking to his house.

"What are you doing out so late?" Pony asked.

"When Dallas walked out of the drive-in, I followed him. We got into a pretty heated argument and, I dunno, I just started walking around." I answered

He nodded and stopped in front of a small white house with a metal fence. 

"Do you need somewhere to crash?" Pony questioned.

"Nah, I already rented a motel room, but thanks for the offer." 


The two boys began to walk up the path to the door and I turned around to begin walking back.

"Hey!" Pony yelled, causing me to stop and turn back around. "You should hang out with us tomorrow. Come back here around 2."

"Will do," I said nodding at him.

With that, they walked into his house and I walked back to the motel. It wasn't too far away, probably about a 15-minute walk. It took me a bit longer considering I got lost a couple times. When I finally arrived at my room, I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I can't stand going to bed dirty. I made sure to set an alarm for 1:00 pm, so I wouldn't be late. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

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