The Truth

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Reed freezes at the sight of April

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Reed freezes at the sight of April. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he comes to his senses. April invites us inside and gets us some refreshments. I look around and wait for April to join us.

"I am grateful that you gave me a chance to see him, Kiara," April tells me, and I shake my head.

"It's my pleasure," I tell her with a smile. I look at Reed and see him fuming. Well, anyone would be angry to see their ex-first love. He must think I am an idiot. I put my hand on his thigh to reassure him. He glares at me.

"Reed, it's not her fault. I know that you are furious. I would be too if my boyfriend told me that he never loved me," April says with a pained smile.

Calling her beautiful would be an understatement. Her hair is dark black like the midnight sky, and it reaches her waist. Her eyes are ocean blue with naturally big eyelashes.

"Reed, if you will give me another chance, I want to explain what happened," she requests. Reed looks at her with no emotion.

"Reed, give her a chance. You need to know what happened," I persuade him. He looks at me for a few seconds and nods swiftly.

"This happened six months after we started dating. I opened my locker and found a sticky note, and someone threatened me saying, that they would destroy my life if I didn't break up with you. I let it slide, thinking of it as some prank done by your fans in school,"

"But it didn't stop. I started to see these notes in my house too. Once a note mentioned that my dad would face big problems in his job. The next month the higher officials cut his salary by half for no reason at all,"

"That is when I started to panic. Some things started coming true. During our first anniversary, my mom became sick, and she was hospitalized. We needed more money for her treatment. My dad started taking loans, and he couldn't pay them back," She stops and takes a deep breath.

"One day, victoria came to my house, and she confessed that she was the one who put the notes in my locker. My dad is working under Victoria's father. Then everything clicked. She did all of this,"

"She warned me to break up with you. She threatened me, saying that my dad would permanently lose his job if I didn't break up with you. I didn't want to. I loved you too much to let you go," She smiles. Reed looks pale hearing this information. I place my palm on his thigh to comfort him.

"I started working to help my dad. But my mom's condition started getting worse. I thought of telling you so many times, but I didn't want to pull you into my mess. I figured even if I tell you and the problem is fixed, she might bring trouble in another way,"

"I wanted to make you believe that I cheated on you. I called my friend Ryan, and he advised me so many times to just tell you the truth, but then I didn't want to. When I saw you about to enter the house, I kissed him.

'You walked in on me kissing him. You should have just shouted at me and left the house. It would have been easier. Instead, you stayed and let me explain. I knew you were too good for me, so I told you that our relationship was a lie and that I didn't love you. The look you gave broke my heart," April says, a tear rolling down her cheeks. She blinks and wipes her teats to continue.

"After that, victoria came again, and my dad got his job back. We paid all of our debts. My mom started getting better. I couldn't bear to be in the same room as you after breaking your heart. So, I changed schools," April finishes. Reed remains silent, processing everything.

"I am sorry," April apologizes, not meeting his eyes.

"It's ok," Reed accepts her apology. April smiles brightly after hearing that.

"I was in a bad state after we broke up. But I am fine. I have Kiara now," he says with a smile, and I blush.

Damn you, Reed.

"You are lucky, Reed. You found the perfect girl. I don't think any girl would let her boyfriend meet his ex also, the ex who broke his heart. I got a call from her a month ago, and to say I was surprised would be an understatement. She wanted to know the reason why I cheated on you, and I told her the truth. She wanted you to move on and have no regrets in life," We hear knocking on the door. April goes to check and comes back with a boy.

"Guys, meet my boyfriend Ryan," she introduces us to him. He is the boy who helped her.

"After we broke up. I was devastated. He helped me, and along the way, I fell for him," I smile, genuinely happy that April got someone else. She deserved to be happy, just like Reed.

We chat for a while. April starts telling us how awkward Reed was on their first date. We all laugh as reed whines, hating that April is embarrassing him. Look like the bad boy was not always confident.

"I am so glad you put Victoria in her place, Kiara. She did the same thing she did to you. She asked me to join the popular table, and I accepted because I wanted to be closer to Reed. It was way before we started dating. But she humiliated me,"

"I am still in contact with your best friends. They did not stop talking about you," she tells me. I smile, taking a sip of water.

"I am once again, sorry Reed, I loved you, and I still do," I choke on water and start coughing.

"NO, no, not like that. He was my best friend before we started dating," she reassures me, and I give a thumbs up, still coughing. Reed laughs, patting my back, and I glare at him. But thankful that everything turned out good.

We get up to leave when April stops us.

"Happy birthday Reed. This is something from me," she hands him a box. We say our goodbyes and start heading home. Reed opens the gift in the car, and it is a beautiful locket with space to place a small picture.

Reed stayed silent the whole way, and I didn't disturb him.

He pulls me into a hug once we reach home, and kisses me. I could sense every emotion he was feeling through the kiss. I kissed him back with the same fervour, conveying how much I loved him.

"Thank you. I feel so free now. I am so glad to have you in my life sparkle. Thank you for the best birthday gift ever. I love you with all my heart," he tells me with a grin.

"I love you too, Reed. So much," He smiles and kisses me once again, pulling me closer by my waist.

"Guys, you are scarring the bushes," Noah yells. Reed and I spring apart to see all our friends looking at us through the window, and Andrew is holding a bat.

We all start laughing. Life is beautiful. 


Hello everyone. So finally we know what happened between Reed and April. Remember Jesus loves you.

Author 😍

Finding Love AbroadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang