April Fools

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   Hehe, it is finally April fools day, the best day of my life, well after my birthday

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   Hehe, it is finally April fools day, the best day of my life, well after my birthday. So now I am doing what I am best at, PRANKS. It is 5:45 in the morning, and I am in Ryder's bathroom applying nail polish to his soap with a grin on my face. After that, I add black hair dye to his shampoo. After that, I stick a fake cockroach on the inside of the lamp and tiptoe to Reed's room.

I do the same thing to his soap and shampoo and stick the fake cockroach, and I also place an airhorn behind his bathroom door and go back to my room.

I facetime Keith and he picks up the call after 2 rings since it is only 7 in the evening. I burst out laughing, looking at his face. He is completely covered in glitter, his teeth are black in colour, and he is trying to remove gum from his hair.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, Ara," he mumbles. And I do, I keep laughing because Keith is a good prankster, and he is also cautious so, hats off to the person who pranked Keith.

"So, who is the mastermind behind this?" I ask him once I calm down. He mumbles something along the lines of 'you will laugh,' and I raise my eyebrow.

"It was your best friends, ok," he tells me, and I start laughing again because Anna and Divya never prank my brother, like never because they know he will do something worse.

"So, what did you do to rile them up?" I question, still laughing.

"Well, I may or may not have turned their hair blonde and sprinkled itching powder to all their clothes," he tells me with a grin.

My eyes widen. They have blonde hair now.

"How did you do it?"

"I had help from Davin," he tells me with a shrug. Of course, Davin Is Div's little brother. He is a devil in disguise. Well, he smelled like rotten eggs for a week, so of course, he took the opportunity to prank her back.

"And they got you back," I chuckle. We talk like that for a couple of minutes, and I start getting ready for the day. There is no way I can sleep again because of my excitement.

I hear the airhorn go off, and I fall off my bed at the loud noise. Woah, I got pranked by my own prank. I hear Reed let out a grunt and a string of curses. I snicker.

I go downstairs and wait.

"KIARAAAAAA," I hear four voices shout my name and a pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. Four pairs of eyes glare at me, there is pin-drop silence, and we all look at each other and start laughing.

Raven's teeth are red because of the food colouring I added to her toothbrush. Blake has his phone in hand that is completely covered in elastic bands and, both Reed and Ryder have black hair.

My prank is a success.

"Kiara, my hair is black" Reed whines, and I shrug. He looks hot, with black hair. It gives you the whole bad boy vibe, but his body should be pink. I wonder what happened? and Reed answers for me.

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