"The only man I'm used to is my husband-."

"Damn, you still married after I done tongued your ass down in my bed-."

"You what?!" Both Cepheus and Cassia turned their attention towards the office door where Jamila stood with a look of shock spread across her face. Her eyes were widened, mouth dropped wide open, as her body froze in the doorway.

"Oh my God." Cassia whispered to herself, her heart racing in her chest as she felt herself about to panic. Meanwhile, Cepheus sat glancing between the two ladies a little bit confused. They were being extra in his opinion, it was just a kiss, it wasn't all that serious for them to be having meltdowns about it.

"Don't Oh my God me bitch, what the fuck- wait." Jamila stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her before opening it back up again and stepping in. She took a deep breath as she closed it behind her, her attention right on the two other people in the room.

"What the hell is this that I'm hearing about getting tongued down in a hospital bed?! And I want to hear it from you Cassia, not him." Jamila spoke sternly as she rushed to the seat that was next to Cepheus, right across from Cassia.

Placing her head in her hands, Cassia shook her head from the overwhelming feelings she felt. After everything went down in the room, she called Jamila and told her not to come again on the night they kissed. She just couldn't face her best friend and openly admit to the fact she did in fact do everything that she was so certain she would never engage in.

"Speak Cassia, don't know what the hell you in here stalling for." Cepheus spoke up before she could, the silence in the room frustrating him. Shifting in her seat, Cassia shot him a hard glare before turning to look towards an anxious Jamila.

"I don't know what you want me to say, I mean...it- it happened. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did." She kept it short and simple, but she knew better than to think that was enough to hold Jamila.

"Girl don't play with me, give me the details-."

"I got it, I got it." Cepheus interrupted, sitting straight in his seat. He plastered his eyes on Cassia while slowly running his tongue over his lips, watching as he literally took her breath away from his simple actions. "We was in my room and we started talking bout stars and shit, then she rushed out to go cry for some unknown reason. When she came back we started talking a lil more till she tried to leave again, but you know I wasn't having that. So I grabbed her, reached up to pull her head down, and kissed her. And it wasn't on no friendly shit either before she try to be in here cappin, I sure did have my tongue all up in that thang."

By the end of Cepheus' little recap, Jamila was completely shook. It was one thing to be informed that Cassia was here kissing other men. But it was another thing to know that she was tongue kissing someone, something that vowed to never do because she claimed it was nasty.

"Oh you little hoe, I know this is fucking right. Kissing leads to sex, sex leads to babies, babies leads to marriage and a happily ever after." Jamila perked up while anxiously clapping her hands. But she was quickly stopped by both Cepheus and Cassia, her rapidly moving hands being stopped once Cepheus clamped his own on hers.

"Got a lil too much dip on ya chip shawty." Jamila playfully rolled her eyes as she pulled her hands away and looked up towards Cassia. She poked out her bottom lip, seeing the way Cassia seemed like she was about to empty out her insides any minute now.

"Cassia It's not that serious hun-."

"Not that serious Jamila?! I cheated on Yannis for one, which goes completely against my morals. Then second, I could get in so much trouble if anyone found out about that. You know patient, doctor relationships are forbidden." Jamila waved her off while grabbing the bottle of water that sat in front of Cassia.

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