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Later on, after you guys had eaten, Namjoon suggested you both go for a swim in his pool.

"I didn't know you had a pool?!?!?" You bounced excitedly on his lap, he chuckled, holding you still, "c'mon then baby, let's get changed"

You ran upstairs, grabbing your bikini and running into the bathroom, Namjoon chuckled as he changed into some swim shorts.

You put the bikini on, sighing and looking in the mirror at yourself.

You didn't like the way you looked, your thighs and tummy were nice and full, not too much though, but you didn't see that.

You just thought you looked fat.

You jumped at Namjoon knocking on the door softly, "you ready princess?" He asked.

You replied shakily, "Y-yeah, I'll be out in a sec..." Namjoon didn't move away from the door, "are you ok?" He asked gently.

You nodded, then feeling stupid as he couldn't see you, swallowed before speaking again.

"Y-yeah I just, don't think I look that great in this bikini :(" you sighed, Namjoon smiled softly, "open the door sweetheart..."

You swung the door open, startling the poor man as he stood there staring at you, "don't stare at me Joonie! I look awful..."

He reached out for your hand, and you placed your hand on his, letting him pull you close to him as he hugged you close, "you look beautiful baby, now, let's go swimming hmm?"

You nodded, smiling shyly at him as he chuckled, his hand coming onto your waist to lead you to the pool.

You both made your way out to the pool, you awed at the nice water features it had, a small waterfall in some natural rocks, the water was a nice light blue colour, it honestly looked like Paradise.

You stepped into the water, looking up as Namjoons phone started ringing.

You pouted as he moved away to take the call, looking down at the water.

You had been feeling kinda, insecure, recently.

Namjoon had spent so much money on you, you had any number of expensive clothes, you had a whole wing in Namjoons mansion, even though you didn't live with him, yet.

You knew he had the money, he had told you many times not to worry about how much money he was spending on you.

But you just couldn't help feeling like you were a burden to him...

"Baby" You were snapped out of your thoughts to Namjoon, standing in front of you on the steps of the pool, a smile on his face when he saw you look at him.

"What are you thinking about hmm? You zoned out for a minute, I was just saying how I have to go into my company later to sign some things"

You nodded, looking up at him, then looking back down, you couldn't look him in the eye.

"What's wrong baby?"

You looked up at him, "I- uh, do I take too much money from you?" Namjoon sighed, pulling you closer to him, pressing his lips to your forehead.

"We've talked about this baby..."

"I know, but, I just can't help feeling guilty, like I'm not worth it? You're too good to me Joonie..." you said, looking down shamefully.

Namjoon looked hurt that you thought of yourself that way, "Babygirl, of course you're worth it, I would give you everything in the world if I could, you mean so much to me..."

You looked up into his eyes, searching for any doubt but you only found love in his eyes, love for you.

"Namjoon I-" Namjoon leaned closer to you, his lips just hovering over yours, before he pressed his lips onto yours gently.

You kissed him back, sharing a love-filled kiss as he pulled you into him, bending down and picking you up by your thighs, still kissing you.

He took you to the bedroom, grinning into the kiss as you whined underneath him.

You pulled away, both of you breathing heavily as you smiled at eachother, shy, but happy.


"I Love you, Y/N. So fucking much..."

You bit back a grin, making eye contact with him, "I love you too..."

He grinned, looking like he's just won the Jackpot.

Namjoon smashed his lips back onto yours, making you giggle as his hands wondered over your body.

He pulled away "Y/N... I understand if you're not ready, I-"

He looked into your eyes, searching for hesitation, you looked into his eyes, you both felt a connection, smiling shyly.

"Joonie, I wanna do this, with you. I want it to be you, I love you, please..."

Sugar Daddy (김남준) ✔Where stories live. Discover now