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"Hey gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" A rather drunk looking young man followed you back to the bar.

You worked in a rather rough bar in a dark part of the city.

The amount of money needed to put yourself through college was criminal, and this is one of the two jobs you work just to support yourself.

It was pretty normal for you to get drunk, desperate men following you and wanting to buy you a drink.

"No thank you, I'm working" you replied, picking up drinks from the bar.

"How about after work?" He kept pushing you, keeping close to you.

You could smell the alcohol on the man's breath, it was almost suffocating you as you tried to keep your distance from him, feeling him getting even closer, which was making you uncomfortable.

"I'm closing tonight, sorry" you tried to dismiss him, but his hand came in contact with your ass, right before it was ripped away by a very familiar tuft of violet coloured hair.

"She said no, pal" He said as he the bodyguards took the man off him.

You saw Namjoon turn to you with worried eyes as the bodyguards threw the man out from the club.

Your job probably wasn't one of your best ideas, but when you were so desperate for money, It's not that bad.


"If you keep looking at me like that the bodyguards will kick you out" you joked as he walked over to you, chuckling a bit.

"Are you ok? He literally grabbed you!" Namjoon said as he put the glasses down, you turning towards him.

"You get used to it, it happens pretty regularly..." you remarked. Namjoon frowned as you went behind the bar, grabbing him his usual drink.

"That sounds bad, doesn't it..." you said, handing him his drink with a smile, "Yes it rather does" he replied.

You sighed, watching him take a swig of his drink.

He was a very handsome man, always in a well fitted suit, it made you wonder if he was seemingly so rich why was he in such a run down bar in such a rough part of the city, always here talking to you?

"A nice girl like you shouldn't be working in some dodgy bar..." Namjoon said, sort of thinking out loud.

He gulped when he realised what he had said, smiling shyly as you also smiled, looking down shyly at his comment. "Uh.. thanks, but when you need the money, what else is there?"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow to himself, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"You don't have to live like this, you deserve so much more respect, but I can't make that decision for you" he handed you the paper. "Call or text me when you're ready..."

You saw him give you a big dimpled smile before leaving the club.

You looked down at the paper he handed you, squealing when you saw it was his number.

You tried to get rid of the fuzzy feeling in your stomach as you watched him leave the bar.

What was that?

Sugar Daddy (김남준) ✔Where stories live. Discover now