"Yeah." Luther muttered, focusing on the ground as he tried to think of what their next plan should be but was stopped when Allison wanted to know exactly what the future looked like.

"What did Five even see?"

"Uh, apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." He stuttered, not wanting to share the rest of the story with his siblings because he knew that it didn't end well and wouldn't help them in the long run. Quickly, Luther stood up and began pacing, stuttering as he spoke and hoping that they wouldn't ask him anymore questions about the future. "Okay, so here's the plan. Uh, we go through dad's research-"

"Wait, what? Hold on, hold on." Allison interrupted and the other siblings all stood up, wanting to know exactly what happened.

"Wait a tick, wait a tick. What actually happened the first time around?"

"Yeah, what are you not telling us?" Diego agreed with Klaus, knowing that Luther was hiding something from them. "Come on, big boy, spit it out."

"We died." Luther whispered but no one heard what he said.

Kate frowned, standing up like the rest of the siblings. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, uh, we died." He repeated, saying it louder and causing hell to break loose in the Parlour as the siblings reacted to the news, moving towards the bar. Kate sat back down on the couch, spacing out with the news and trying to figure out what that meant for her now.

"Just now, you're telling us? No, we need to figure this out."

"Is it just us?" Allison ignored Diego's forwardness and asked something that would help them learn more about the upcoming apocalypse.

Luther shook his head. "It's everybody."

"In the house?" Diego added, hoping that only a few people would be affected and it wasn't as bad as it seemed, concerning the whole country or the whole world.

"No, the whole planet. Everyone died." There was silence among the siblings as they all took in what Luther told them, suddenly the looming apocalypse seemed scarier than they had believed and now they were worried that if they didn't do something soon then it would cause the end of the world.

"Hey!" Vanya broke the silence in the room, obviously not understanding what she had just interrupted as she seemed happy and even brought along her new boyfriend to meet her family for the first time. She had no idea that the end of the world was happening and had no idea how serious this situation was. "What's going on?"

No one really knew how to answer her when there was a random guy stood by her side, they didn't really want to tell this untrustworthy man about the apocalypse and how it was their responsibility to stop the end of the world. Allison handled her sister better than anyone, knowing what the right thing to say was and tried to approach her softly so that things wouldn't get out of hand. "It's a family matter."

"A family matter? So, you couldn't bother to include me?"

"No, it's not like that." Luther promised, not wanting to upset his sister with the meeting that they were having as they weren't expecting her to show up out of the blue but now had to explain what was happening with a random guy in the room. "We were-"

"Don't let me interrupt." She snapped, turning around to leave the Parlour and drag whoever her boyfriend was, with her.

"Vanya, wait." Allison stopped her from leaving, pleading with her eyes. "I'll fill you in later when we're alone."

"Please, please, don't bother. And I won't either."

She frowned at her sister's harsh words, not liking the tone that Vanya was using because she had never talked like this before. "That's not fair."

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