Chapter 2 Humanity

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The years moved one and with each one Florian grew more himself and with the help of his friends and parents a whole new world had opened up to them all.

One year when Florian was 16, he helped his dad ship off a few horses to Denmark in exchange for new blood, the ranch they stayed at was in full swing with some sort of celebration called pride.

At this time Sweden didn't have anything remotely close to it and with Florian backstory, his father was easily convinced that they could stay a few more days to get a chance to meet new like-minded people.

And it would help build on his fathers contracts with the horse breeders.

Florian was ecstatic over this chance and with a bit of broken danish, swedish and bits of English he soon found himself helping the wife of the ranch and her daughter, Sofia, with preparations and exchanging life stories as they baked and made trinkets to sell at the festival.

Florian was at loss for words, staying close to his father that looked as lost as he was. Somewhere in the crowd they'd lost Sofia who happily had chatted with people left and right while introducing the Swedish folks she had with her before a girl her age had snuck up to her and they'd run off.

Music and people were everywhere and as most were friendly and happy a few passerby had frowns or angry snears on their face, but sticking close to the masses they felt safe and with his father translating some of the speeches Florian could follow most of what was said and discussed.

They'd meet loads of people who show their support, but it still feeds their anxiety as one backstory after another usually was filled with grim or hateful events, some worse than others.

So with a heavy heart but a lifted spirit they joined the celebrations as much as they could. A few new friends were made and Florian was happy, at least he had some people to exchange letters with or visit if they were close by.

Sofia and her parents stayed a close friend to the family and Florian was often there in the summers when he had a break from school.

When his 18th birthday came around his parents as well as Sofia's parents had gotten him the best surprise ever, he'd finally be able to have the mastectomy in Denmark.

He was happy, a small step after another he was finally looking more himself. Sure he had the label of being psychologically sick due to his transsexualism but at least he finally was getting treatment.

So a year later he finally got his hormones legal in Sweden.

University came around and with the treatments he was able to study without much setback and most didn't know he didn't always look like this. It made him happy.

He had his eyes on a major in economics and a few extra courses in animal handling and breeding, preparing to take some of the more heavy work on the ranch so his parents could have more time for each other, especially now when his grandparents had passed away who usually did most of the economics parts.

Their vet Marcus had been a good friend for the family, especially when Florian and Max had a fling but they soon went their separate ways. So there were a few awkward moments in the beginning when Florian helped out at the vet clinic and had to work alongside Max but they rebuilt a platonic friendship.

Most days Florian worked with the ranch and he started to take a liking to racing which was the first stone for them to start expanding into horse racing.


As the ranch expanded more people started to request horses from the Wolfram family and with Florian's expansion into racing they've managed to get more connections into the Americans breeding program.

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