Chapter 1 Humanity

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A tired sight left the blond girl's lips as she stood before her mirror, not really seeing herself, well rather seeing what she wanted to see you could say.

"Honey, breakfasts ready!"


Glancing at the mirror again, eyes trailing her lank body, the soft curves, the few define muscles from all the work at her parents ranch, the scars from that one time when she catch a hoof to the hip in winter or when that new stallion bit her in the shoulder, the exact opposite from where her father got bitten from said stallion. Her hair needed a trim as it was perfect length to get in her eyes but too short to do anything with. Still too long for her taste but it still let her fly under the radar without having to explain how she felt or why she insisted on short hair.

Her light blue eyes framed with dark laches giving her an innocent look, as her mother put it. She'd gotten her mothers small nose and her father's thin lips but somehow her high cheekbones and pale skin made it work well and gave her more dainty features.

Hurriedly she changed from her working shorts and old shirt to a pair of loose fit jeans and t-shirt, dragging a hand through her hair she plastered on a smile and took her school bag before hurrying downstairs for breakfast.

When she entered the kitchen her father, Tom, was already seated and she gave him a genuine smile.

"Ah Florence! Is it the second time I've managed to get here before you?" He joked, hinting towards how she always was first to breakfast usually.

"Third I think" her mother, Irene laughed. "Even Skotte had his breakfast already," her mother continued, pointing at her malamute their neighbor gifted her two years prior, that was eating outside in the garden.

Florence laughed but didn't comment, Anxiety clawed her stomach as she tried to decide if she should tell them or not...

Her parents went on, talking about today's schedule, the two new horses they've bought and how the church wanted to borrow a few horses for summer camp.

Somewhere along they must have asked her something because they both looked at her patiently.

"Eh?" She asked confused, spoon halfway to her mouth.

"We asked if you think Prowlence is ready for a saddle soon?" Her father asked.

Prowlence was one of the few horses they bought here to rehab. In this case, her last owner had used violence and whips in all the wrong ways to get the mare to do as he pleased, which didn't work, especially with her hooves being trimmed wrong earning her a slight lameness in her walk.

"Give her a week or two and then I think she'll trust us enough that we can start there" Florence confirmed with confidence. Most of her time had gone to Prowlence, Skotte and her own horse Blaze wasn't too happy with the lesser attention but she really wanted to do all she could to nurse this mare back to health and be the horse she knew was under the layers of fear and anxiety.

"Lovely, it seems you two are flying forward in trust" her father said happily with a proud smile.

Florence smiled happily while finishing her breakfast and waving goodbye while hurrying out the door to greet Skotte and fetch him his harness so he could mush her to school on the bike.

The first few times he went with her to school her parents had been anxious but even when they'd lock him in his fenced yard he always managed to get out, not even a kennel or one of the horse boxes could keep him contained.

But the bright side was that Florence was less prone to end up in fights.

Her parents was rather distressed over all the times school had to call because she'd been in a fight with one of the other kids.

In the eyes of the beast -a gangrel storyWhere stories live. Discover now