Chapter 6 Beast in the streets Part 1

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For once, it's snow on the slopes in the city and the rain has stayed away from Gothenburg so far.

Rex moves down the street with the work portfolio in one hand and the phone in the other.

His blonde hair sticks out of a knitted hat and hides his eyes well.

He has pulled up the collar of his suede jacket so it looks a bit like he is trying to hide in the white wool on the inside while he hurries forward. His black converse is covered in snow and his jeans are damp near the mud.

He glances into a side street that leads to where he met the strange vampire a few weeks ago. He shakes his head slightly with a grin before continuing to type on the phone.

Rex almost collides with someone, as sometimes happens when two individuals with their noses in their phones meet on a narrow pedestrian street.

Helena's knitted blue hat and beige winter jacket hids most of her form, but when she quickly raises her gaze to smile a little apologetically, there is no doubt it's her.

The apologetic smile disappears at once when she recognizes Rex and is replaced by a pensive look

"Ah sor ..." Rex silences his automatic response that appears when he almost walks into her and she can see that he recognizes her as well.

He can not help but smile a little amused that he just thought of her and then she appeared.

She takes a step back "Hello." she looks down at her mobile before putting it away.

"Hi" he replies, glancing around.

Writes something on the phone and puts it away.

He adjusts his fringe a little so that he can see better and she can see that he has a band-aid on his forehead.

"It wasn't yesterday I bumped into you" he says a little jokingly.

"No." she smiles faintly and looks around, so that they do not block the way for anyone.

She has a grocery bag in her hand from the grocery store a few streets down. "Have you gotten better at eating since last time?" she grins a little teasingly

"Maybe" he grins back.

"Helena, was it right?" He then asks to make sure he remembers correctly.

She nods briefly "Good. Yes, Rex?"

Rex nods. "The one and only" he says happily.

He studies her a bit before glancing around.

"Guess you live around here?" He says lightly and glances at her bag.

She nods with a sigh, no point in denying it. "Yes you?" She looks down at his portfolio.

"Works nearby" he says and lifts the portfolio a bit to show that it apparently has something to do with it.

"Had it, uh, good since last?" He asks a little more easily, almost a little uncomfortable with whether he should be nice and social or if he should start walking away.

She nods at the portfolio "I understand." looks at him "Yes. How have you been?" she changes the hand she carries the bag with, seemingly contemplating if she should just hurry home or not.

"Yeah, it rolls on. Got time to put some energy into my hobbies at last as this job doesn't suck out all of my time," he says with a crooked smile.

"Do you know anything about this city, like what there is to do and such?" He then asks a little thoughtfully.

"I was born here." she calmly answers "What kind of hobbies?" she sounds quite curious

In the eyes of the beast -a gangrel storyWhere stories live. Discover now