Pearl: I don't know is my answer to your question peridot. And as for your question iron, his main goal was to kill steven.

Iron and peridot is shocked after hearing this.

Peridot: Well, why are we standing around and doing nothing?! Let's track that human and shatter it to bits!!

Iron: I agree, we need to bring that human to justice. Is it still around?

Pearl: Yes, a few months he visited beach city. I don't know what he's motives are, but he's back. And we need to track him. Also, I think he isn't alone.

Amethyst is instantly stand up after hearing what pearl said.

Amethyst: What do you mean it isn't alone?

Pearl: I heard from the citizens that they have seen three hooded person mysteriously appearing during the night. I am nit sure if they are allies but we need to know if they posses a threat.

Pearl said to the group and iron, amethyst, and peridot nodded. You are laying on a bed made of hay. Lapis is hugging your rip chest and tightens her grip a little. And you groaned a little putting your head at hers. Garnet then walks up to him.

Garnet: I see you're worried about your friends.

Steven:Yeah. When I saw her in my dreams, it looked like she was fighting so hard to keep Malachite from escaping.

Garnet: Lapis spent an unbearable amount of time fused with Jasper. The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion and y/n probably used a lot of his strength and toughness to survived a ton of attacks that malachite did to him, I can't imagine how tired they are right now. They are gonna need a lot of time to recover.

Steven: (sighs*) You're right.

Garnet: Come on, I'm dying to hear more about what happened underground.

Steven: (chuckles*) Okay.

Steven and Garnet walk off.

Time Skip, Night-time*

Lapis's Dream*

Lapis open her eyes seeing nothing but plain light blue color. Lapis groans, tring to find out where is she and what is this place exactly.

Lapis: (groans and stands up*) Hello!!

Her "hello" echoed around the room and the walls of her dream start to wiggle.

Lapis: (sighs in frustration*) Great, where in the stars am I?! Hello!! Is anyone here!! Hello!!

Lapis walks a little and started to look at her surroundings. She looked down and saw the ocean. Lapis stumbled to the ground remembering her days forming malachite.

Lapis: No no no.

Lapis tried to summon her water wings but it didn't appear.

Lapis: Oh no.

Lapis run as fast as she can.

Lapis: I need to get out of here! I don't want to be here! (something attached itself to her left feet*)

Lapis: Nooo!!

The black tentacle pulled her deep in to the water as lapis screamed for help. She tried her best to ask for help but all what is left at the surface was a small bubble that pop. Lapis lands on a flat surface. Lapis gets up and she is really wet. Lapis take a moment to catch her breath and to drench her hair. Lapis catches one of the water drop that came out of her hair. She checked it out and noticed it was black water. Lapis thought to herself and tried to control it by her hydrokinesis.

The shadow assassin (steven universe reader-insert)Where stories live. Discover now