Start from the beginning

WAYNE: Yes, sir! I am being asked my sister's hand in... urr... marriage?

MARIKA: (stepping in) pre-selection.

WAYNE: Pre-selection.

FRED: Excellent. Okay, you can start whenever you're ready and in-charater. (looks around) Whenever ready... ACTION!



Hunched over a damp boulder like a little siren sunbathing, Marika frowns at the reflections of her face in the swift steady current of the clear stream, where a trio of spring water fish is climbing up.

Marika SIGHS and produces a tired smile squinting her eyes in her cheeks in the hope her reflection might brighten up...

THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, footsteps and crunching in the vegetation — who is coming?




It's Wayne. He walks to Marika's table, staring at her hunched body, feeling her heavy gaze on him like a shadow. She notes his resigned posture and lazy stroll and her previous smile fades and her eyes turn perplexed.

She takes in air preparing to speak, but he precedes her, to her pleased surprise:

WAYNE: (whining) I'll miss you...

Wayne's face gets sobby and she takes the cue to reply.

MARIKA: It won't be forever. We'll be back together.

Wayne looks away, towards the ground, imagining the calming crystal water of the stream where the floor tiles are. She follows his gaze and doesn't miss a single face muscle.

WAYNE: I know. It's for the best. And... I'm sure you'll be safe... (looks at Markel) ...with him.

Marika takes the hint and also looks at Markel, who crosses their gazes from across the rehearsal room and gives a slight nod back as acknowledgment.

WAYNE: But I am going to miss you. Your voice, your body, your company... (sobbing) ...I don't know how I'll cope!

Marika lands a warm hand on Wayne's shoulder.

MARIKA: Keep me always on your mind, and I'll keep you company even when far away. I'll do the same.

Wayne's eyes are flooding... Here it comes!

WAYNE: (desperate) Be careful!

Wayne turns around suddenly and grabs Marika's shoulders in an avid hug. She welcomes him and pulls his neck to her until his face sinks on her chest. She starts feeling her sink wet from warm tears streaming down.

MARIKA: (mumbling) I will.

They hug like brothers. He cries like a toddler. She sobs like a dumped lover.

(ad lib)

They both push away from the hug at the same time and brush their faces with the palms of their hands, almost like in a mirror. 

MARIKA: (smirking) Cry-baby!

Wayne assembles a dastardly grin in response...

WAYNE: Granma!

MARIKA: (GASP!) Out-rageous!

Wayne giggles and she smiles sweetly. Then it fades, so she lets go of Wayne's hands and backs away slowly...

Wayne's smile also fades away, seeing her go. He stands there until she isn't in his personal space anymore, then looks down solemnly and grieves.

She turns around and strides off inside the forest, leaving bouncing leaves and bushes and raining dew in her trail. Wayne looks up just in time to imagine such a poetic exit... 

Then it fades back to the walls and tables and chairs of the rehearsal room.

They both stop...

And turn towards Fred the Raptor, Markel, and Wayne's mother across the room. Silence...

FRED: (clapping) BRAVO!

Both Markel and Wayne's mother start clapping too, in approval.

FRED: That was great! (stands up) Thanks Marika. (points at Wayne) you're hired!

Wayne's face becomes like a GASPING smiley face and Marika explodes in a satisfied cackle that she isn't ashamed to extend towards Wayne, and she doesn't care that it slightly embarrasses Wayne. She seems excited — maybe euphoric — to work with Wayne...

Markel doesn't particularly enjoy how Marika's eyes are eating up Wayne's glowing aura. He broods, arms at his chest, fringe on his eye, suddenly finding himself desiring Wayne's precocious disappearance...


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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