Ch:4 Draco Malfoy*

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Requested/Recommend by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Warning: Slight smut/nsfw, inappropriate language, hickies, fluff.



I tightly hugged my boyfriend, Draco's chest while he played with my hair, "Y/n..." he mumbled twirling strands of my hair around his fingers. "Yeah..." I mumbled back as I sank my head closer and closer to his chest, he sighed for a second, and asked "What shampoo did you use today?" "Mango" (if you're allergic or something, please replace it with your favourite sent in shampoos. I put mango as it's my favorite.) "What is it? Spit it out draco." I looked up at his face, we were good in reading each other's facial expressions and and I could see he was thinking something that he doesn't want to tell me. "I just... Why don't you just tell the trio about our relationship? I feel so awkward trying to be mean to you to not show our affection, and I feel bowling anger when Harry tries to flirt with you!" I could see his perspective, but it was irritating talking about one and only one topic 24/7. "They would kick me out of their friend group and I don't want to lose friends." He sighed once again as I turned around to look at the clock, 5:40. Shit! The trio and I was going to meet at hagrid's to talk about something. I rushed to the mirror in Draco's room, I had placed bottles of foundation and a sponge for these situations, I damped the sponge in foundation and mixed some with my skin colour to hide the hickies.
I ran around the room collecting my clothes and slowly put them on, I know my shirt stained because of the foundation but I don't care right now. Draco just layed there giggling and laughing at me.
I rushed to the the door and before exiting gave him a death glare, he just chuckled and I left. I walked around the Slytherin common room to find the enter and exit door. I noticed a lot of familiar faces; Blaise, Pansy, Adrian, Tom etc. They were all gathered around on the couch, Blaise even invited me but I explained my situation. Like Draco they all laughed and I left the common room angry. I only walked a few steps, still close to the common room when I noticed the trio enter the hallway. Hermione raised an eyebrow and so did the others, "What are you doing here?" Harry asked in his brittish accent. "I ummm I was just... Uhhh Yeah! I was just about to come to hagrid's." I said trying to sound as real as I could when the all gave me an unsure look, "Well ummm ok! Come with us." Ron said breaking the awkward silence between us, I followed them to the forbidden forest and entered Hagrid's hut. They all talked about, honestly I have no idea while I was busy in my thoughts. Thoughts about Draco.

**1 week later**
Story line: *No one's pov*

It's been a week since that day, you've been so worried that they would know that you and Draco barely met. It was after potions class, when you it was announced that for today all your classes have cancelled. The trio circled around on the couch, they all were discussing plans on defeating voldemort, when you entered the common room. "Hey guys we- You started talking about your plans when I wasn't even here...?" You said in a low voice, they all turned there heads to you. "Well... What's the point in discussing it with you? You're always gonna chicken out when Voldemort is actually facing you." Ron said in harsh tone, attracting almost everyone's attention in the room by the word 'Voldermort'. Tears formed in your eyes as you ran out of the room, you heard Harry whispering to ron and felt Hermione staring at you. You were running in hallways trying to find the nearest women's bathroom when you run into a platinum blonde boy, you looked up at him with teary eyes and ruined mascara. "Babe, what happened? Tell me!" he pulled you closer to a nearby wall and held you close to his chest, you told him everything from a to z and he carefully listened, noting down every single detail in his mind.
You cried in his, until there were no tears left and Draco comforted you.

**2 days later**

It's been 2 days since your breakdown, you've been avoiding hermione, Harry and Ron and have been sneaking off to Draco's dorm a lot lately, you barely caught sleep and the trio have been noticing that. Cut to the present, you are slammed on the wall by strong hands as your boyfriend roughly kisses you. Rough yet Passionate. You moaned into his mouth as his tongue took the advantage. He slid his tongue, swirling it around trying to find of hidden places, places human eye can't find normally. It was normal to have a heated make-out session with Draco, but this time you were really horny. (I don't think it's just you, babe 😏) Draco slowly strated unbuttoning your shirt he slowly started massaging your boobs over your bra as you continued let out satisfied moans. Soft moans. When the door slowly unlocked, the trio entered. "Lumos!" (again, is this how you spell it) Hermione moved her wand around searching the room when it landed on you two. Draco started blankly on the floor when you quickly started buttoning your shirt as Harry and Ron uncomfortably looked away, "You cheat! You've been running off with Draco the whole time! Do you have anything to say anything?!" You looked at Hermione in shock. How could she say something like that?! Specially when all these years all they did you insult you! "No. Actually no! And how could you even say something like that Hermione?! After all these years, all you guys did was insult me. Draco was there! Draco was there when none of you were! So I don't care if you leave me or not because I know no matter what Draco will always be there. No matter if we are together or not." you said gesturing to your and his bodies. Whatever you said, you meant it. You were a close person, you never spoke what was on your mind instead you ran it through your heart and checked if another human being would like to hear it. You weren't a liar, just a closed person. You got emotionally attached to people immediately, so you wouldn't bring up a relationship with immediately. But Draco was different, whenever you met a different chemical ran through your veins. You felt a different type of happiness, something you never felt. You parents barely paid attention to you and you were always replaced by your siblings. You never got the attention you craved, but Draco always gave you that. This time there were no tears, you aren't going show them you're weak. Atleast not now. Draco grabbed from behind and pushed you behind him, "I don't give a fuck what you mudbloods think of me, but if you put one fucking finger on her. I will all your damn bones and drown body into the black lake." He stopped looking at you bringing you infront of him. "I lover her, and I don't give a damn what you think!" (this is is cringy and dramatic, I can't! 😅😭) He pulled you into kiss as the trio scoffed they violently exited the room. This all a memory now, you don't regret that day at all. You are actually proud at how confident you felt that. Marrying Draco was the second best thing in your life, the first was having a baby boy with him. Draco was the most sweetest father to him, and the most caring husband to you. You brought out the best in him and he brought out the best in you, it was a perfect couple...

Hi, I'm so sorry if this is cringy and filmy. I'm an Indian and I was raised among these types of movies. Just check out one indian movie and you will die at its cringe, please forgive. I hope you liked it or atleast had a good laugh at it. I love and stay safe.

Word count: 1407 words
This one was long...

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