chapter-7 : the marriage will happen

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I realised I have been slapped.

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There was a sudden deadly silence in the room. The sound of slapping echoed even though the room was not large enough to give echo.
Prakruti , Anu , Nikita, Payal and everyone in th room were shocked. For the Baraskar's it was that no one dared to talk back to him but this girl slapped him. And for the Verma's it was, she was overprotective for Kriya but never did she slapped anyone.

( Italics is for Krushi, normal one is for Abhimaan, and bold is for Vishal and for any other family members it will be mentioned.)

"How dare you!!!! What did you do in your college that made Kriya this much afraid?!!!! "
Abhimaan was too shocked to answer.
" Damnit just answer. What did you do!!!" Krushi screamed
"I drank poison." A lone tear escaped from his eyes.
Krushi was on her beast mode. She was breathing heavily. It seemed like she could kill Abhimaan.
"Couldn't you see her, she was afraid. That was your love? Do you even know what love is , huh? Didn't you see her suffer!!!"
"Oh! Why would you even notice that. You were getting a whole package. "
"Answer me one thing Mr. Baraskar. "
"When I talk ,look into my eyes or are ashamed now!"
Abhimaan looked into Krushi's eyes with full rage.
" When she didn't accept your proposal ,you drank poison . If she had denied to sleep with you , what you would have done Mr. Baraskar."
"Krushi stop!!" Nikita exclaimed angrily.
"Why Maa, di suffered too much. We didn't even see." Krushi tried her best not to break down.
"It's all mu fault. I didn't even ask her if she was happy or not." Payal cried.
"No , it's not your fault Payal ji." Abhay said while Prakruti hugged her.
"We are sorry on behalf of our son." Said Prakruti.
"What will we do now bhai? Your daughter ran away not even thinking about you." Ruchika's mom , Bandhana, said.
"I don't care if my fame is destroyed but I won't allow anyone to destroy my children's life." Raged Suresh Verma.
"Your sister is right, Sureshji. You will be defamed by the society if they got to know that your daughter has eloped. Think about your niece and nephew. They both didn't have complete their education." Vijay Baraskar calmly said.
"It's our problem to look at our children. Not yours. So take your baraatis and go." Suyash Verma roared.
"You may not think about your fame but it matters to us. When the others business officials and our partners come to know that their CEO's bride ran away what will we say to them" said Vijay.

Suyash Verma: it's your problem.

Vijay Baraskar: Okay then. As it's our problem, we should think the solution. What if we take this problem to the media. I am sure they will help us solving this.

Bandhana: They won't solve, they will create problems.

Yes they will create more problems. They show the situation more worse than ever. They will create more stories and assumptions. Krushi thought.

Ruchika: That's what they are saying mom.

True to his name Vijay tried to win and won every situation. Truly a devil as mentioned by the media.

Bandhana: So what do you want?
Vijay Baraskar: That's what I wanted to hear. I want the marriage to happen today itself .
Ruchika : How is that even possible? Kriya di is not there.
Vijay: Who said it will be Kriya?
Everyone looked at him with confusion. But someone was happy to listen that. It was none other than Bandhana.
"I hope he says my daughter name. My daughter will live in comforts and she can give me some money. We will be so rich. I will buy a big car and a big bunglow. Oh my-"
Bandhana's train of thoughts were halted.
There was a grave silence.
"What do you mean by Krushi , daadu?" Vishal asked.
"Abhimaan will marry Krushi."
"No I won't." Roared Krushi.
Vishal was too numb to say anything. His lovestory was going to end before it had started.
Abhimaan, Pritika, Abhisekh, Anu , Prakruti, Abhay and Kriya's friends were too shocked to listen to that. They all knew how much Vishal liked Krushi except Vijay and the Vermas.
"Yes you will. Do you want that the media will make stories about your sister? I can make your sister and your family suffer to death. It's your choice. Use your brain child." Vijay said.
Bandhana : You have power and money. That doesn't mean you will threaten us like this.
Abhimaan can my daughter Ruchika.
Say you will marry (she pushed Ruchika forward).
Vijay: NO!! What do you think I didn't do a background check on Kriya's family! Do you think I will let my child to marry any girl? Don't I know how much of a leech you are? Feeding on her brother's money !
Bandhana lowered her head in shame.
"I can't marry "
"Why?" Vijay asked.
" Because...... uh..... uhm..... yes because I am a lesbian."
Listening to it Sanam chocked on his saliva.

Krushi's POV

Seriously..... a lesbian... idiot girl couldn't you think about something else.
"I have every information of your family and i don't think I have missed any points."
I turned towards my parents.
"Mom, dad, badi maa, bade papa. I didn't want you all to say in this situation."
I held Sanam's hand and stood beside him.
"We love each other."

Author's view

Vishal was more devastated to hear this. Anu was too sad for her son. Prakruti, Abhay, Abhishek and Pritika were pitying that poor boy. As for Abhimaan he didn't react.
"Still the marriage is going to happen. Pritika get het ready." Said Vijay.
"No!" Krushi shouted.
"Don't you dare to touch my daughter." Said Suyash.
Whereas Sanam stood infront of Krushi protectively .
"Pritika go." Vijay said sternly.
"Hey!!! You oldman. Who the hell are you to say me whom I am going to marry!! You are no one to me so don't cross the line." Krushi shouted.
This irked Abhimaan as no one had raised their voice on his beloved grandfather, no one had behaved like this to him. He went and dragged Krushi by her hands and pushed her towards Pritika before Sanam or Suyash could catch her.
"Get her ready. Today we will get married."


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