Another small smile came to my face as I  looked at her. It wasn't long before we'd reached our destination. We sat down together with me setting the backpack I wore on the floor, her hand still in mine as she sipped her drink, chuckling as she brought it away from her face. 

"So, how's the medical condition?" She asked jokingly. I shook my head at her, sputtering out a small laugh before I leaned back against the wall.

She hummed lightly, taking her hand out of mine briefly so that she could set her bag down. She leaned back, hooking her hand around my arm before she relaxed her body. We waited patiently for the boarding process to begin, listening to the quiet conversations around us. Maybe 30 minutes later, it began, and we were shown to our seats. I sighed as we sat down again, putting the backpack in between us on the floor. She stretched a bit, her drink already having been discarded as she got comfortable in her seat.

Luckily, we'd only needed to take one plane to get from here to home, but it would be a long ride. The plan was that Emmett, Rose, and Bree would pick us up, but halfway there, Audre would get out and make her way to the pack to greet them. I knew she was excited to see them again, especially since the packs were still conjoined. Even my siblings were surprised by what how Audre's family excitedly broke the news to us during their excitement of it all. From my understanding, the packs were to stay together until the end of the summer, training each other relentlessly, which Audre had a so-so feeling about. She told me that she actually enjoyed training, even with her Uncle Thomas, but not when it felt like they were trying to kill her.

I smile a bit at that. I knew she was happy here with me, but I also knew she was happy when she was with her family. She wasn't alone in that because I don't quite remember my human family, but ever since Carlisle found Alice and me, all I truly recall is my time with Maria and then becoming a Cullen. As a vampire, I remembered almost every aspect of my vampire life after being turned into one like all of us do and though useful, it was nothing but an added curse. Having to remember everything, the good and the bad, and when you're not human, you tend to attract the bad. Though just as I was given a second chance at life, it seems that I was also given a second chance at a family.

Despite Edward's actions over the past year, he and the rest of my family were of the utmost importance to me, right behind Audre. I guess it was rather odd to not be around them since I've been with them for well over 40 years now. My body relaxed against the seat I was in. Audre moved a bit, having moved her hand out of mine, hooked it on my elbow, and then proceeded to lay her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her before I laid my head atop of her.

Hours went by, and I just sat in relaxation as Audre slept. We'd be home in only a couple of hours, and in that time I'd swiftly retrieved a book from my bag and was reading silently as Audre slept. Time went by slower than it usually did, but I guess that was to be expected when you're pulled out of your own little world like that.


I held Audre's hand as we walked through the airport. The smell in the air was new, but still familiar to the nose. Audre smiled widely as she pulled me with her to where she'd spotted my brother. Emmett smiled at us as he and Rose spotted us. Behind them, stood a timid Bree, who was the newest addition to the Cullen family.

As we walked over to them, I looked down at Audre, with her bearing the same expression as I. Worry, evident on her and I's features. Her hand squeezed mine a bit, and I returned it as we quickly made our way to our family. We had 2 carts for our things which each of us was pushing towards them.

"You guys enjoy your vacation?" Emmett asked, a major grin on his face as he asked. I shook my head at him, looking over to Audre to see her covering up a chuckle as Rose looked at her with the very same knowing look on her face as Emmett looked at me with.

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