Chapter 3: Reveal

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to let a lady walk home in this weather" he growled.

"Then you're lucky I'm not a lady" she tried to insert, thinking that would end the discussion.

"Well to me you are" he had replied, softly, sweetly, and it made her feel all sorts of things, which she was eager to suppress.

"Fine then" she said reluctantly but somewhere she was glad she didn't have to walk home in this hellish weather. The last thing she needed was to get sick right now.

"Good... I'll wait for you outside" he said though he looked out doubtfully.

"Great day to forget your umbrella Benedict, great day "he murmured. It was a thought he had not intended to share with her but somehow, he had vocalized it softly.

"Wait." she said, and he saw her suddenly walk into a room and come out for a few minutes with what looked like a large sized solid piece of cloth, walked up to him handed it to him quickly.

She couldn't help but briefly smell his scent, fresh and soapy, topped off with a layer of cologne that wasn't too insistent but lingered in the air nonetheless.

"Here take this. I don't want you to get wet" she said blushing slightly.

Benedict glanced at his hands where she had placed the piece of cloth and then at her, well more at her hunched head since she wasn't looking at him.

"Thanks..What about you?" he asked.

"Oh, there is another one I can use in the back I believe".

"Then I'll see you outside" he said. He threw the cloth over his head and went outside where his carriage was around the corner.

A few minutes later she followed, umbrella in string and ran towards the carriage; immediately feeling her shoes fill up with rainwater.... Apparently, she hadn't plugged the holes as well as she had hoped after all.

Arriving at the carriage she wanted to grab the handle of the door, but it suddenly swung her way. She saw him sitting at the end of the bench; and reaching his hand reaching out to her. Decorum be damned. Alina wanted to get inside quickly because she was drowning outside and grabbed his hand and felt him pulling her in.

Once she was inside, she quickly closed the door and the coachman, who was secretly grateful that Benedict did not choose the 'open' style carriage today.

"I want to apologize again-" Benedict began soon after the horses started to move but to his surprise, she was the one interjecting this time.

"No need to worry, Mr. Bridgerton. I can assure you that I do not think less of you" she smiled briefly, looking at him a little longer than intended and there it was again.

That... something... the attraction and it was palpable, and he knew she must feel it too, but she deliberately ignored it and it frustrated him greatly.

Right now, for example, she had turned away from him and was again admiring the upholstery without saying anything. He, in turn, was about to say something but stopped himself at the last minute and stared out of the window, his attention being awakened by a sound...

The sound of her rumbling stomach to be sure.The first time he had ignored it, but when it continued to growl, he could do nothing but say something.

"I think you're hungry?" he smiled; looking at her kindly.

"No, I am not" she stated but her stomach spoke otherwise, deciding to roar, and he chuckled.

"Albury" Benedict shouted after several moments of pondering.

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