Mei left around 11 p.m. Izuku still hasn't come, but I knew that he worked a late shift on Sundays so I wasn't that worried. I was determined to get to the bottom of this. 

I know I did nothing wrong... did I?

I heard him unlock the door. I jumped up as my heart skipped a beat when I heard him come in. His tall figure appeared in the dark. He gasped when he saw me sitting there in the dark. I admit I must've looked creepy there, with the TV off and everything. He turned the lights on and I smiled at him. He smiled back reluctantly. I saw a bit of blood shimmering on his cheek. 

"Here, I'll heal it", I said.

I reached up to his cheek but he flinched and backed away for just a moment. 

"What is up with you?!" I suddenly snapped, more explosively than I wanted.

He widened his eyes.

Deku's POV

I stared at Alex. The light was getting right into my eyesight and I couldn't see her properly. I don't know why I moved away when she wanted to heal me. 

Lately I was so confused. The easiness Alex accepted the threats with was odd. Hawks said that's really cool, but Kacchan said there's something off with it. The thing is... I've seen so many people being threatened, so many heroes. And to all of them, it chilled their blood and they panicked. But Alex... she took it way to simply. I know she isn't stupid or reckless. But it is impossible for someone to be that selfless. 

And since then I took a step back from her. I even avoided her. Now that I think of it, I can't believe how stupid I was! I'd go into my study and just sit there, thinking about all the things she told me about herself and her past. Parents' death doesn't ease up dangers - it makes you rise walls. At first, it didn't really worry me. But the outer influences from my colleagues, Kacchan and some other guys from work made me develop some prejudices. Made me a coward. When one is in a hero society like I was, even the bravest one have some phobias. You see betrayal on every step and you see the closest one turn away from you for stupid reasons. Or simply go evil. My fake smiles were the thing that made me suffer from a fear of betrayal. And that is why Alex was the victim of my stupidity. 

As I looked at her in our living room a thousand thoughts crossed my mind. Kacchan said something to me earlier that made me act the way I did later on. He has been saying it all week long, really. 'She's gonna let you down. Better find out what is actually wrong with her. Because something is.' 

Let me take a moment and dedicate it to humans. To us developing those awful prejudices and giving up and accepting stereotypes. And all of that because of our surroundings. That is what happened to me. Because I had zero self-control and my own will. I simply gave up. I don't consider myself a bad person. But still... this was the worst thing I've ever done. 

Alex's breathing became faster and I could see how upset she is. 

"Well?" she said impatiently. 

"Nothing", I replied with a gulp. 

"So we're just going to act like strangers?" she shouted, frowning. 

"No", I said stupidly. 

She scoffed and turned away. Kacchan's words echoed again. 

"Just tell me what have I done!" she suddenly said in a painful tone, breaking the silence.

"How do I know?!" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling?" she whispered, leaning over the coffee table as she sat down.

"It's not... I don't know! You're odd!"

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now