Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 17

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"Crow, ignore everything Kazuo says about you. He's jealous he wasn't strong enough to get into the ANBU at eleven." Tsuki joked.

"I'm sparring with you when we get back from this mission, Kira!" Kazuo yelled, now annoyed with Tsuki and feeling like he needed to prove himself.

Itachi chuckled and Tsuki and Kakashi rolled their eyes.

But they let it go and continued to the border of the Land of Fire.

They stood at the predetermined meet up point outlined in the mission request, and it wasn't too long before the other party showed up. They were all standing near the edge of a canyon with a small river running through the bottom that only looked like a thin blue thread on account of the canyon's depth.

Kakashi stood next to Tsuki with Itachi on his right and Kazuo at the furthest right.

Tsuki activated her Chojougan and started sizing up the other ninja based on the amount of nature chakra running through their system.

Always thinking one step ahead, Kakashi sent a shadow clone into the ground in case things went awry, he was happy to see Tsuki preparing as well as he saw her blue eyes turn black.

The leader, a woman with purple hair and some type of odd eye goggles stepped forward,"Sent by the Third Hokage, I assume?"

Kakashi stepped forward to represent Team Ro,"Yes, we were told this is a simple Intel exchange. Nothing more."

The woman turned and nodded to one of her subordinates, who brought forth a sealed scroll and handed it to Kakashi, who took it and shoved it into his tool pouch.

Kakashi nodded.

Klang Klang Klang Klang!

Tsuki barely made it in time to pull a kunai out if her pouch and block four shuriken that came at her from the left side.

She twirled her hands shot out a blade of air, slicing a tree in half all the way down to it's trunk, including an enemy hidden inside, effectively killing him.

Kakashi, who's head turned towards the noise, whipped his head back to look at the purple haired leader once again.

There was a short silence,"Was that one of yours?" He asked breaking the ice.

The purple haired woman unconvincingly shook her head no.

Itachi had activated his Sharingan in response to the sudden attack and peered at the group.

Although Kakashi too had a Sharingan, the eyes were much better used by an actual Uchiha, who's chakra stores could handle the visual prowess, making his eyesight sharper than Kakashi's ever could be, something Tsuki thought was impossible. That was, until Itachi started using his eyes too much.

"That one in the back has tears welling up in her eyes." Itachi said plainly.

The group looked at the girl he spoke of, and when they were actually paying attention they could visibly see the one he pointed out visibly shaking with rage.

Then all hell broke loose,"You killed my boyfriend you fucking bitch!" She charged at Tsuki with a katana, which Kakashi got in front of, blocking the blow with his short sword.

'This is weird, the only time I've seen Kakashi use a sword is when he took over the Executioner's Blade in the war.' Tsuki thought.

She jumped forward next to Kakashi and kicked away an enemy trying to attack him while he was occupied with his sword fight.


An explosive beam of chakra coming from the goggles of the purple-haired leader split down the middle of Team Ro, knocking Itachi and Kazuo further into the forest while Tsuki and Kakashi launched off the side of the canyon's cliff.

They were free falling head first and Kakashi was looking around with his Sharingan, trying to figure out how to prevent Tsuki and him from falling to their deaths.

But Tsuki was already one step ahead of him.

It was a long way down, and it was going to be hard to stop their fall but she was sure she could do it.

"Captain!" Tsuki called out reaching her hand towards Kakashi,"Hold onto me!"

Kakashi reached his hand out, grabbing onto hers after a few missed attempts and wrapped his arms and legs around her, trusting that she knew what she was doing.

Tsuki shot the strongest gust of air out from her hands trying to slow down their fall.

To no avail.

"The canyon's too wide! I can't build up enough pressure!" She yelled.

Kakashi looked around. They were too far from the canyon wall to use ninja wire to stop their fall and they were plummetting fast.

The small blue river st the bottom of the canyon started to get bigger and bigger, she saw that it was more of a white water rapids.

She quickly swirled her hands, picking up the water and pulling towards them.

"Hold your breath!" She yelled as she and Kakashi took a deep breath. The water enveloped them and Tsuki used it to slowly land them into the river.

Kakashi momentarily lost his grip on Tsuki but she grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward the bank, doing her best to navigate the fiercely churning water with her Chojougan.

Her Chojougan was easier to use on still bodies of water and near impossible on wild rapids such as this, but she managed to get them to the bank, hurling Kakashi halfway onto dry land before he turned around and pulled her out of the river.

"*Cough**Cough* " Kakashi was trying to catch his breath after swallowing so much water,"Thanks, Kuraku, you really saved *cough**cough* our asses."

Tsuki, who was still laying on the ground, coughing up her own water and trying to catch her breath lazily saluted,"Anytime, Hatake."

"How's your chakra stores?" He asked her, getting ready to go back and fight

"That took a good third of it." Tsuki replied, trying to even out her use of chakra to make it last as long as possible,"Good enough to fight some more."

"Good, cause here they come.."


Haven't done a fighting/action chapter in a while. How come I suck at them?

They're so difficult to write 😭😭😂

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin