"Exactly Diego, and yet everything's still the same as it was three years ago." She snapped, having the same conversation that she had had with her sister a few days prior. She was repeating herself because she wanted them to understand how important adulting was, yet neither of them wanted to grow up. "She's still working at a donut shop and you still live in the back of a boxing gym. Neither of you are committed to anything, don't pretend that your relationship is any different."

"It is, Patch, just because I don't scream from rooftops, doesn't mean that I don't care about her. Because I do, I really do, a lot." He promised, hoping that that would be enough but he was talking to a Patch and they always needed more than that.

"I'm her sister, Diego, you're going to need to do more convincing than that."

"It's really not your problem." He huffed, taking another long swig of the coffee because he was bored of the conversation; knowing it took his mind off his mom but wasn't much more pleasant as his relationship was under fire. "You can't protect her forever."

"No, I can't but I can stop her from making a terrible decision. If you're just stringing her along until you get bored then do me a favour and end things now. I don't want you breaking my sisters' heart for no reason."

"When are you going to understand that that isn't my intention." Diego paused, lowering his voice because as true as the next statement was, he didn't feel ready to say it to her face yet and didn't want to have that moment in the kitchen of her apartment. "I love Katy-"

Dora sighed, running a hand through her hair because she knew it was true but she hated the way their relationship worked. "And you've got a crap way of showing it."

"What do you want me to do? Get her name tattooed on my neck?"

"I want you to do something!" She exasperated, hoping that she was getting her point across but also not wanting them to rush into something as serious as marriage because she wasn't ready to see Diego as her brother-in-law. A part of her wanted to see them grow up and possibly move in together, it would also help her because she wouldn't worry about accidentally walking into a porn movie every time she came home from work. She also wouldn't have to think about her sister sleeping in a dingy boiler room either if they had their own place. "I'm not saying that you should get married but you've been together for three years and if you're really that serious then you should take things a step further, like move in together?"

"Woah, wait, marriage?" His jaw dropped, he wasn't expecting to be talking about marriage with Patch, he was sure that she wanted him gone before Kate thought about getting married. "You want me to marry your sister?"

"Not right now. But that needs to be in your future otherwise you should just break up right now."

Diego ignored what she was saying because he was still focused on the fact that Patch admitted she saw them getting married, and was happy that Kate would be marrying him. "Let me get this straight, you, Patch, are giving your blessing for me to marry Katy in the distant future?"

"This is not the conversation that I want to have at 7:30 in the morning." She sighed, rubbing her temples and wishing that she could take back what she had just said because now she'll never hear the end of it.

"Give me an answer otherwise I'll tell Katy everything you just told me." He smirked, knowing that he had just won the argument and that he was going to get more out of this conversation than Patch was; and Katy would never know that it happened.

"Ugh, fine. Yes, okay, I give you my blessing for the two of you to get married someday. As much of an asshole that you are, you do care about my sister. Even if you don't know how to show it, you make her happy and the one thing I want for her, is to be happy."

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