21- Shifting.

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Rohan's POV..
After she asked me that weather I have told others about the wedding thing. I immediately called my PA. I heard a knock on the door and I said a come in and he entered.
"Sir, you called me?" He asked when he came inside.
"Yes, Sourabh. I want to know if there is any problem with Sunaina or is there anyone who is creating problem for her." I told him.
"Okay, sir. I will inform you as soon as possible." He said immediately.
"And, one more thing don't let anyone know about this especially my wife and Atharv." I said and he nodded.
"Okay, then you can go." I said and with that he left.And then I started doing my work.

After like an hour or two my PA came again.
"So, did you found something?" I asked as soon as he entered.
"Yes, sir. In the morning, some of her colleagues talked to her who never did that before. She only have one friend, Priya who works as the receptionist. And, the reason she don't have friends is because on the first day only there was a news that you both have something and that she is trying to seduce you. That's the reason why every female worker hate her and don't want to contact her and the male worker were afraid to talk to her. And, because of this sudden change in their behaviour she was disturbed. And, I also heard that she asked Priya to not to tell anyone about your wedding." He completed and I was still registering the words. After like a minute, when I got it inside my brain.
"Call Priya, and tell her to be here in a minute." I said and he nodded and moved away. After, like a minute he came with her.
"Sourabh, thank you. Now, you can go back to work." I said to him.
"Your welcome, sir." He said happily and left from there.
"Good afternoon, sir." She said after he left.
"Good afternoon, Miss Priya." I said with a smile.
"First of all have a seat." I said to which she sat with a thank you.
"I have something to ask you. So, do you know why my wife has no friends in the whole office except you?" I asked to her.
"Umm.. sir, on the first day when she joined the work that day you saved her and after that day no one dared to talk to her. And now that you both are married then they think that you both really had something." She said.
"Hm, and is she disturbed with what happened in the morning?" I asked her.
"Yes sir, she told me to not to tell anyone about your marriage as she didn't like the attention people will give her. And, when she got to know that everyone knows it already then she was very disturbed." She said worriedly.
"Okay, thank you. Miss Priya. Now you can continue with your work." I told her and when she left I started doing my own work despite of the thought about her in my head.

The day went but it felt like entirety as the thought of her being distributed worried me every now and then.

I went home as my parents were expecting me there and I saw her there too. She was continuously saying mom to visit us and to meet her, and I felt like she was upset with the thought that they will not be around or maybe because she will miss her. I know they had made a great bond since the day they met till now and I'm happy for that.

They left after telling us to take care of us for the millionth time and to be good to each other and so on.

And, then she moved inside ignoring me completely and that breaks my heart every time but I quickly masked it with a blank look so that I won't bother her anymore. And, I moved to our room and when I got there I saw her packing her stuffs and seeing that I got panicked that where is she going? Is she leaving? Will she move out and will leave this house? But, I didn't got the answer of all those question because I didn't asked her as it was all inside my head.

"You are going somewhere?" I asked her after shutting off those questions from my bloody head.
"Yes, I'm moving to the next room." She said while putting her things. I didn't said anything and moved to my mini office which is at the end of the corridor and I spent the whole time there because I didn't wanted to face her and show her that it hurts me.

After midnight, I went to my room which was empty. I didn't bothered to eat and slept like that. I don't know when and how she will understand my feelings.

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