10- Wedding preparations.

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After 5 days..
This 5 days I missed all the kiddos like hell. And today surbhi di's in laws are coming to fixed their marriage date. After the engagement ceremony I got to know them and I should say they are really lovely people and aunty I mean my di's soon to be mother in law is such a sweetheart. When both uncle and aunty be together and if uncle says anything then you can see aunty blushing like a teenage girl who met love of her life for the first time. And both of them treats di as there own daughter and support her more then her own son.

I'm so excited to meet them they always make me feel like I should get a partner like uncle who can love me like he loves aunty. They have a very positive vibe that you can live around them the whole day without getting bored. I'm so happy for di. She is lucky to have a family like them. I was thinking this when the doorbell rang. Actually Dadi invited them for the dinner today so here they were.

We enjoyed our dinner and the date is fixed after a month because that was the perfect date according to the priest or else we have to wait 2 years for the perfect date. So my family and they also decided that it will be the perfect time. So my sister will leave me after a month. What? Seriously.

After they left I went to di's room. To spent some quality time with her because she will be with us only for a month from now. Ohh God I will be crazy thinking about this.
There we had talk and then we slept in her room only because I don't want to be away from her. And like this all the other day went and it was the time to start the preparation of everything. I can't believe that now,only 2 week are left in her wedding.

We were here in the mall shopping for the thing which is required on the upcoming days. And di was trying a lehnga for the sangeet, for mehandi and for her wedding day so do I but I was searching for me. After 2hours or so we finished our shopping and headed home. As me and di were tired maa told us to rest.
And then that week went in a blink. Now today is her mehendi. She is wearing her pink lehnga which we bought just for this day and I was wearing my maron lehnga which we bought for this day. I was just instructing almost everyone to do this or that as the decoration should be done as soon as possible and on the other hand my family was hell nervous that, see there and check everything nothing should be left and everything should be perfect. My friend are here to help us in every way possible and the most good thing is they are going to stay here in our house till the wedding. Ohh I'm so happy. My girlfriends are now helping di to get her ready as well as are giving company to her so that she did not feel lonely. And my boyfriends are helping my paa , my brother in the decoration part with me.

When i got satisfied and my friends told me to go inside to be with di and others, then I decided to go because they were hell bend to make me go from there. Then after everything the mehendi ceremony started and almost all of us were busy in getting mehendi on our hands. And I was so excited for this because from childhood I love applying mehendi. After half an hour my mehendi was done so I moved from there so that others can also apply mehendi on their hand. I was sitting with di and was talking to her with my friends and my cousins so that she did not get bored as her mehendi will take much more time then our. Then I decided to move from there because I was bored as they were just teasing her and was just talking about her soon to be husband. I can't take that anymore because I know they are gonna say about me and will tease me because according to them I'm the next one to get married. I moved outside and to the garden as that was the only place which was empty for now because people were inside the house, enjoying the function.

When I reached in the garden there I saw my brother sitting alone and was thinking about something I don't know. I moved near him and sat beside him. On seeing me he composed himself and sat straight.
"What happend to you? Why are you sitting here like someone snatched your favourite toy?" I asked looking towards him.
"Nothing. It's nothing like that." He said trying to be normal.
"Then why are you sitting here?" I asked him again.
"Umm.. Nothing. I was just bored. Yeah I was just bored." He said like he was confirming something to himself.
"Don't lie to me. You think you are now this much big that you can lie to me. Now tell me what happened Sid?" I said.
"Nothing. You are just overacting that's all." He said.
"Sid, I don't wanna listen this thing. Tell me is it because of di?" I asked and he looked at me but didn't said anything. So I continued.
"So it is about her. You know what I think I know how you are feeling right now. I'm also feeling like that only. From our childhood till now every moment is coming inside my mind and I can see us running in this garden chasing each other. I can see us fighting for almost everything, I can see us fighting for each other in the school. And do you remember when you were 7 years old and someone beated you in the school and me, you and di all three of us went together to beat that boy. We got so much injuries and then everyone in the family scolded us for doing that." I said and laughed sadly. And so did he.
"Yeah di. You are right I can also see every single thing. Like when we learned how to ride a bicycle and a bike also. I remember you both took my shirts and wear that saying that males clothes are comfortable. Now who will fight with me? Who will wear my clothes? Now who will chase us in this garden di, when she will leave us. Who will protect me from paa's beating? Who will help me to get inside the home when I will come late? Who will hide my mistake? I know you will do that but the one which is use to be there with us will not be there. She will leave us and will go with someone in the end of this week so do you, after her you will also leave and will go with someone, to live with some other family. Please don't marry anyone ever. Please don't leave me like she is doing with us. Please di don't do this to me please not you. " He said and cried holding me like he is some kid but I know how he is feeling right now because I was also feeling that. And I hugged him tightly and cried silently.
"Sid, here look at me. Don't cry please don't cry. You are strong right then stop crying. Listen this is the thing which I'm also feeling but see this week is her very special week, we should not make her upset on this thing that we are upset on her wedding. I know we are upset but we are upset on her leaving right but do you know everyone is upset on that thought but see she has to leave us but not forever she will come to meet us. And moreover let's just enjoy the days she is here right. I promise she will come to meet you and everyone. Okay. Now stop crying." I said and he stopped crying while nodding his head.
"You tell me why are you here?" He asked changing the topic.
"Ohh I was getting bored and i knew that if I stayed a little more then they will start teasing me like anything. So I decided to come out here and away from those kind of things." I said while making faces to which he laughed.
"Yeah yeah laugh. When this things will happen with you then you'll understand how irritating they are and this talks ugh... seriously and on the top of it I can't beat them because if I will do that then their parents will say 'oh see how she is, she/he was just kidding how can you beat them' this is the reason I don't like them. But see if their daughter or son is teasing me then they will smile and laugh but when I will do something then it's a crime." I said getting irritated with this things.
"Okay okay I got you. I got that you are irritated and they are pain in ass type people. I truly understand you. And I promise we will take the great revenge from them." He said when he controlled his laughter. And I smile because now he is at least okay.
"And yeah I'm not going there until they are here. I just hate them." I said and made a angry face with a pout.
"Okay. I also don't want to go if they are doing this to you then they will make me a real tomato if I will go there." He said and rised his hand in surrender.
"Okay. Hey let's go and have some ice cream or chocolate or some coffee please. Please." I said giving him my puppy look.
"Okay cool let's go. But only two of us okay. I will not take anyone else." He said seriously to which I nodded.
"But Sid I wanna go in your bike please. I miss those rides." I said and he nodded. Then we moved towards garage and when he brought his bike outside I hopped on it and we moved to the a nearby cafe. And when we settled down, I ordered myself a latte and my brother ordered a cappuccino. We enjoyed our coffee and then we ate actually I ate chocolates. We were just having it when my phone rang and his also. When I checked it was my paa, and his was maa.
"Paa." I almost shouted and looked at him.
"Maa." He said with the same pitch. And was looking at me like he is dead because actually for real we are going to be killed by our family because we didn't told them about our escaping. We answered the call and told them that we will be there ASAP.
"I was scared." I said as soon as I disconnected the call.
"Me too. Now let's go or they will kill us for sure." He said and I nodded. And we left for home.
As soon as we reached there our family fired a bag of questions and was scolding us like like anything. My paa started scolding my brother as he is a boy he should look for decoration and so on things.
"Sid. This is how you will take care of things by going out and not caring things here?" Paa scolded him.
"What? Is he only at the fault she is not?" Maa said.
"Yes paa. Me and him both are at fault. Or I said say that I'm at the fault because I wanted to drink coffee and I can't make it because of this mehendi and on the top of it all were busy on one or the other thing and so I thought to not to disturb anyone. That's the reason I asked him to take me out for coffee and he did that. So he is not wrong I'm. If you wanna scold anyone or punish anyone then it's me. No one will say anything to my brother." I said standing in front of Sid so that no one can say anything to him.
"Okay. I got you but you should have told us at least. We were worried princess." Paa said.
"Yeah. I know and I'm sorry for this and it is also my fault. He did all this because I asked him. So please don't scold him." I said.
"Its okay. Because you accepted and realized your mistake. Now I don't want any time to be wasted." Dadu said. And then no one said anything and got busy in their own work.

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