"Well, it would if you were smarter."

That was enough to spark outrage in Diego, he hated being insulted, especially by his siblings and he stood out of his seat as if he could attack Five but the other siblings held him back. The last thing that they needed was a full-on war between each other, especially on a day when they were supposed to be saying goodbye to their father. Luther tried to change the subject, wanting to know more about the future that Five had been stuck in. "How long were you there?"

"Forty-five years, give or take."

Kate takes the chance to work out exactly how old Five is, according to his math and manages to work it out quicker than the other siblings, speaking for the first time since he arrived at the academy. "So, you're fifty-eight?"

"No, my consciousness is fifty-eight. Apparently, my body is now thirteen again." Five informed her before narrowing his eyes and wondering who this other woman was; he recognised his siblings after all this time but this person was unfamiliar and he didn't trust unfamiliar people. "Who are you again?"

"Oh, I'm Kate-"

"Not important right now, how the hell are you fifty-eight and thirteen?" Diego interrupted and ignored the glare that his girlfriend was sending his way. She really hated that he kept interrupting her when she was trying to introduce herself to his family, she may never see them again but she wanted to make a good first impression. He wasn't helping when he kept cutting her off and saying that it wasn't important who she was, it made her feel like he was embarrassed of her, maybe because she didn't have any powers.

"How does that even work?" Vanya asked, wanting to get back on track with the age questions.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off. Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores?" Kate repeated, frowning because she didn't recognise the name and wondered if Diego had another sister that he didn't talk about, whispering she asked him. "Do you have another sister?"

Diego just sighed and shook his head, not even wanting to know who Delores was because it wasn't important but before he could ask any more questions, Five had picked up the newspaper and read the heading about the death of their father. "Huh, guess I missed the funeral."

"How do you know about that?" Luther wondered aloud, forgetting about the fact that Five had just told them he had been to the future and therefore knew that their father had died that particular week.

"What part of the future do you not understand? Heart failure?"

Diego nodded, not looking up from the ground as he tried to wrap his head around the whole situation, it wasn't easy to understand but nothing about this family was easy. "Yeah."

"No." Luther answered straight after and the brothers stared at each other for what felt like ages.

Five smirked slightly, glad to see that the brothers were still asserting their dominance and getting on the nerves of everyone else in the room. "Nice to see nothing's changed."

"That's it?" Allison questioned as Five took his sandwich and began to leave the kitchen, but she wasn't satisfied with those answers. "That's all you have to say?"

"What else is there to say? The circle of life."

"Well..." Luther trailed off when Five time-jumped to a different part of the house and looked between his bewildered siblings. "That was interesting."

The family began preparing for the small funeral service that would be taking place outside, and even though Diego didn't want to attend, Kate convinced him that the best thing to do was to support his siblings in this moment and he agreed to stay for the service. Whilst preparing to get ready, Kate met Grace and Pogo; Diego felt slightly bad about cutting off her introductions to his siblings and introduced her himself to his mom. Grace was more than happy to see that her son was dating someone and loved that she offered to help in the kitchen, something that she was programmed to enjoy thoroughly. Pogo was extremely polite to the guest and even though Kate was surprised to be exchanging pleasantries with a monkey, it was very exciting and she wanted to slap Diego for not telling her more about his childhood before she arrived. She would have baked more snacks if she had known this many people were in the house, because Luther had finished off the cookies by himself and she didn't have anything else to offer them.

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