"You're right, I'm sorry." Kate smiled, reaching over to stuff her face with popcorn. "I'll pay attention now."

Suddenly the show that they had been watching was turned off and Breaking News flashed across the screen. The sisters glanced at each other, eyes wide and mouths open because if this was breaking news then something big must have happened, it wasn't something common and didn't interrupt shows unless it was something huge. As annoyed as they were that their show had been stopped right at the beginning, curiosity got the best of both of them and they just wanted to know what was so important that they had to miss the next episode; what could have possibly happened?

"Moments ago, police reported the death of the world's most eccentric and reclusive billionaire."

Dora tilted her head to get a better angle of the picture on the screen. "Is that...?"

A familiar picture was brought onto the screen and Kate went into panic mode, recognising that picture like the back of her hand. Dora was talking, trying to get through to her but it was like she was underwater and everything else was blurred. She knew what this meant and she knew that sitting at home with a bowl of popcorn wasn't going to help anyone. The breaking news had been about the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a billionaire known for creating the Umbrella Academy, a home for young people with unique abilities. To many, his name was just that, a name but for Kate, it was much more than that. Sir Reginald Hargreeves was Diego's adoptive father and even though they didn't have a great relationship; she still knew that this news was hard to swallow and he needed someone with him. She threw the blankets off her and once again almost tipped the bowl of popcorn over her sister.

"I need to go..." She trailed off, grabbing her coat and slipping her shoes on before running out of the building and jumping into her car. Dora just watched from the window as her sister ran to the rescue of her boyfriend, feeling sorry for Diego with the news but also slightly angry that their girl's night had once again been ruined.

Kate parked outside the boxing club and jumped out of the car, running to the large doors and pulling on them as hard as she could but they were locked; which meant that Diego wasn't in. She panicked, worried that he had lost his big fight, heard the news and was now running around doing something stupid. Having never met Sir Reginald Hargreeves, there wasn't much that Kate knew about him but she knew that his relationship with his children was strained and it wasn't a normal family atmosphere. This news wouldn't be something that Diego would be really upset about as he hated his father but she knew that no one should be alone to grieve someone; no matter how close or strained their relationship was. Frustrated with the door, she tried to open it again and when it didn't budge, she took out her anger and started kicking it, over and over again.

"That's not how you open doors." A voice said from behind her and she spun around to see Diego stood on the sidewalk, hands shoved into his pockets and head tilted to the ground. Even though a part of her wanted to throw back a remark about how she knew how to open a door, she knew that that wasn't what he needed right now. She didn't know exactly what he needed after just hearing on the news that his Father had passed away but she knew one way to make people feel better and so she quickly embraced him. And even though Diego hated these kinds of displays, he wrapped his arms around her and enjoyed the embrace, even though he would never admit it out loud.

After talking only slightly about the news that had been broadcasted around the world, it was decided that Diego was taking a trip to the Umbrella Academy where the rest of his siblings would also be dropping by to offer their condolences about their Father. Kate had begged to come with him, claiming that she would be there for moral support but the truth was that she really wanted to meet the siblings that Diego had grown up with. She thought it was only fair, he had met Dora on several occasions and yet she had never met his side of the family. To impress them even further, she had even baked a batch of her famous cookies which she was sure would leave a good impression and reminded her boyfriend that he needed to take them for his siblings.

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